Think, Feel and Know............... Okay … friends … its - TopicsExpress


Think, Feel and Know............... Okay … friends … its been a while since Ive been on Facebook. I recently moved to Plano after living more than 64 years in Gainesville. Many of you have supported me and my thoughts through the many blogs Ive shared. As I begin this year I want to take a different perspective. Politics angers me and Sports frustrate me yet I continue to make comments about things that little if anything can or will be done about them. It wont stop me and the reason for this blog. We all think one way or another and from our thoughts comes our feelings. Needless to say no one thinks or feels the same way about something or anything the same way. It has to do with mans nature, his culture and the way he/she was raised. What we may not understand … few people care about what you or I think or feel about things. Oh … there are some but the chances of us starting a revolution are slim. We can be an influence and cause people to pause and think but little will be done by our action alone. What is far more important is not what you think or feel but what you know. Knowledge is unbiased and although can be spinned or altered … true knowledge stands on its own. Example … regardless how you may feel about the Holocaust … it happened! Many of those in the Muslim world have denied its existence but the fact remains … over six million Jews were killed by Nazi Germany. The Titanic sank … the Twin Towers fell and Abraham Lincoln was assassinated. Regardless of your take … these are facts! I want to share with you things I believe to be important but are also historically accurate and represent the truth. My concern is based on the limited and fast closing of my life. Let me again illustrate. The average life span of a person is around 76 years of age … more if you are a woman and less if you are a man. For the sake of making a point … lets focus on the 76 years and compare it to a human clock. A life time represents 24 hours. Im 64 & a half years of age. That means my clock reads 8:37p.m. No wonder .. Im tired (ha). We read about the doomsday clock … it reads 11:57. Thats even worse … because if we judge this on what the Bible says is the age of mankind of being in existance … then we have less than four years before our world ends! Ha … no one knows … I just used this to get your attention. One thing I do know is that Jesus said, I am the way, the truth and the life and NO man comes to the Father except by me -John 14:6. Soooo … forever how long we, you or I have … I want to share with you my thoughts and feelings and what I believe to be true. Im not an idiot (dont argue that) and I believe I have a few things to share about not only what I think or feel but also what I know. I call these my TFK blogs. I hope you enjoy or better yet …. learn from them.
Posted on: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 04:02:17 +0000

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