Thinkers James Dubreze Discussion - 02:24 Subjective vs - TopicsExpress


Thinkers James Dubreze Discussion - 02:24 Subjective vs Objective Reality: If were goring to admit ourselves to the view that all knowledge acquired by a process of consciousness is subjective were never goring to accept any practical means of acquiring an end as being objective. If we cannot understand the unseen world then everything in our lives that we know and perceive is subjective. If space is not empty and that energies that are invisible to the human eyes and touch causes changes in us when react with our biochemistry then mostly everything we understand that does not comprised quantum mechanic is subjective. For that matter not everything you feel is exactly what you think it is. But if we were to accept the view that objectivism is that which can be comprehended with the six senses, such as Ears, Listen, Touch, feels, Noze, mell, Eyes,seeing, mouth, taste and feelings, intuition then objective reality exist within that framework. And since objective reality exist within that framework described above, unprocessed knowledge must exist. To reject that notion is to deny the view that we are not influenced by unseen energies. And if we were to admit to that claim it would be the same as admitting that quantum mechanic has no effect on our reality or pertaining to how we interpret the world. The human being is an energy force. There are different types of energies in the universe. For example we may have nuclear energy, kinetic energy, electralchemical energy, wave energy and so on. They can all influence the conscious mind. But our electralchemical energy has the potential to interact with other energies in our universe depending on our state of absorption. Thus the vision is influenced by an energy. The thought that suddenly descended upon us is also influenced by an energy since we would not have remembered it had we not write it down. Hence, life is as objective as our lack of understandings of it and as subjective as our comprehension of it. Objective Reality: I think you may have misunderstood me. I argue from the point of view of quantum mechanic everything we understand is subjective reality. It is subjective from the stand point that we can only perceive reality by means of the six senses when in actuality theres more to this reality were observing with the six senses that we do not know. That reality is quantum, it takes place within subatomic parcels from the infinitely small perspective, while the reality we can perceive with our six senses occurs within the perimeters of infinitely big realization. We called the reality within the perimeters of infinitely big perspective objective reality because we can touch, feel it, smell it, taste it and hear it but theres more to that reality from a quantum level which we do not yet fully understand. The scope of objective reality. Heres what I would like that you consider. If it is possible that there is an objective reality we have to be able to perceive it. I initially argued that the limits of perception is a rejection for the case of objective reality. If we are limited by our senses and that we can only comprehend the plant in its basic form and share no understanding with the view that the plant is alive, it communicates, it breath and changes with nature like human beings we therefore are honest about the concept of objectivism but not truthful. Reality should not depend on machines for interpretation. We cannot see microwave, radio waves but still theyre part of our realities which are not always understood without some formal training. Hence, if we cannot always perceive it and understand it no, objective reality exist. We have limited realities that depends on our six senses. This is why I said life is as objective as our lack of understandings of it and as subjective as our comprehension of it. Knowledge and Perception: Knowledge exist whether we know it or not. Thus , information become knowledge at the time of conception. What is conception? The point where we become conscious of this information is conception. Everything we accept as true is either someone elses experience or our own. Which does not imply that our prior experiences cannot be wrong nor does it say anything about what we learn from those who came before us cannot be wrong. This is why I keep repeating that theres a difference between honesty and truthfulness. And that we can be honest without having been truthful. Therefore, i must end that any knowledge that is not backed by the authors experience must have been backed by those who came before him for relevancy. But we dont hold on to prior knowledge as being the truth and nothing else but the truth. We also have to open our minds to the reality that prior knowledge can also be wrong. Knowledge as one chain of individual thoughts. Everything that has ever been built is the result of our thought processes. I also believe that we are truly one chain of individual thoughts that comprises many ideas that weve accepted in our minds through the years. So in that sense to say that all of our thoughts are totally independent from other thoughts would make us a fool or a liar. We are contributors of many thoughts, we learn from each other. We speed up innovation by introducing the missing dots which collectively forms a universal idea that advantages us all. We built the world and our businesses together, with each individual thought linking to one another like the seas connects the continent together. Young orchestra – Classical Music had never been appreciated by so many young people until YouTube came into the picture. You Tube is about one of the best ideas that could have came out of this century. You tube has opened the minds of many people to appreciate music from all sort of cultures. YouTube is the symphony of universal orchestration. They role in society is to orchestrate the composition of all artists into one melodic sound “exposure”. youtube/watch?v=mBRqkoHheBw
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 10:07:13 +0000

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