Thinking Logically about the Antichrist As a reaction to - TopicsExpress


Thinking Logically about the Antichrist As a reaction to Antipope Francis’ recent massive and astounding apostasy, we noticed that one person speculated that Antipope Francis is the Antichrist. No, he’s not. John Paul II was the Antichrist. For those who don’t hold our view on this issue, consider these facts: Basically all commentators agree that the Antichrist is the first beast of Revelation 13. That’s the beast who is 1) wounded, 2) whose image is honored, and 3) who is a king of Rome. Francis doesn’t fit with any of the three. But with whom do #’s 1, 2 and 3 fit? They fit precisely with John Paul II, of course (see the video below). John Paul II fits with all three and much more, in addition to proclaiming the signature doctrine of Antichrist: that he and everyone else is Christ. John Paul II was the Antichrist. (youtube/watch?v=cn9t0m6eG4Q&feature=c4-overview-vl&list=PLD841087C099E5B90) In fact, the reason the floodgates of Francis’ apostasy have fully opened in the past few weeks is that the worship of the Antichrist (John Paul II), which was instituted under Benedict XVI, is moving to its final stages with the upcoming and now announced ‘canonization.’ By the way, in Antipope Francis’ most recent interview, he makes it quite clear (once again) that he’s not one of the seven kings. He does so by condemning the ‘papal court’ and rejecting ‘courtiers.’ For the information on how the ‘seven kings’ play a key role in the Apocalypse, see the video above. Moreover, it’s quite obvious to anyone with any conservatism that we are living through the apocalyptic Great Apostasy. (Indeed, in 1957 Sr. Lucia told Fr. Fuentes that we are in the end times.) Francis’ recent actions should have made that quite obvious to anyone who is even somewhat spiritually awake. So, think about this logically. If you don’t believe that John Paul II was the Antichrist, then your position amounts to this: there will be another great deception very soon (since it’s clear to anyone who’s even slightly awake that we are already in the Apocalypse), in which another king of Rome will deceive the world, be wounded, have his image honored/worshipped, and more. Is that plausible? No, it’s not. Is it more plausible that John Paul II (who fits with all of those descriptions and so much more, as the video covers concerning the EU, its formation, etc.) was the Antichrist? It’s obviously more plausible that John Paul II was the Antichrist. That’s because he was. Here’s a quick flashback of just a few statements from John Paul II, in which he proclaimed the signature doctrine of Antichrist: that he and everyone else is Jesus Christ, the incarnate Son of God (and therefore God). JOHN PAUL II’S VERY FIRST HOMILY: THE ‘TRUTH ABOUT MAN’ IS THAT HE IS THE CHRIST OF MATTHEW 16 Antipope John Paul II, Very First Homily, Forever Marking the Beginning of his Pastoral Ministry, Sunday, Oct. 22, 1978: “‘1. You are the Christ, the Son of the living God’ (Mt. 16:16). These words were spoken by Simon, son of Jonah, in the district of Caesarea Philippi… These words mark the beginning of Peter’s mission in the history of salvation… “2. On this day and in this place these same words must again be uttered and listened to: ‘You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.’ Yes, Brothers and sons and daughters, these words first of all… please listen once again, today, in this sacred place, to the words uttered by Simon Peter. In those words is the faith of the Church. In those same words is the new truth, indeed, the ultimate and definitive truth about man: the Son of the living God – ‘You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.’” JOHN PAUL II’S FIRST ENCYCLICAL: CHRISTIANITY/THE GOSPEL IS THE AMAZEMENT AT MAN Antipope John Paul II, Redemptor Hominis (# 10), March 4, 1979: “IN REALITY, THE NAME FOR THAT DEEP AMAZEMENT AT MAN’S WORTH AND DIGNITY IS THE GOSPEL, THAT IS TO SAY: THE GOOD NEWS. IT IS ALSO CALLED CHRISTIANITY.” JOHN PAUL II’S FIRST CHRISTMAS ADDRESS: CHRISTMAS, WHICH IS THE FEAST OF CHRIST, IS ACTUALLY THE FEAST OF MAN (BECAUSE, ACCORDING TO HIM, MAN IS CHRIST) Antipope John Paul II, Urbi et Orbi, Dec. 25, 1978: “I am addressing this message to every human being, to man in his humanity. Christmas is the feast of man.” Here are a few other noteworthy quotes. Antipope John Paul II, Homily, Dec. 10, 1989: “… make straight the way of the Lord and of man, WHICH is the path of the Church.” Antipope John Paul II, Homily, August 10, 1985: “Today, in consecrating your cathedral, we ardently desire that it become a ‘true temple of God and man…’” WHEN GOD REVEALED HIMSELF ON MT. SINAI, HE REVEALED MAN Antipope John Paul II, Homily, Feb. 26, 2000: “In revealing himself on the Mountain and giving his Law, God revealed man to man himself.” MAN IS THE EUCHARIST Antipope John Paul II, Angelus Address, May 29, 1983: “The thought of the Eucharist was present at every meeting, not only because there is contained in the Eucharist that which the life of every man has most deeply…” Antipope John Paul II, Redemptor Hominis (# 20): “The Eucharist is the Sacrament in which our new being is most completely expressed…” There’s much more in our [MHFM] article and video on the topic. mostholyfamilymonastery/john_paul_ii_preached_the_gospel_of_the_antichrist.php
Posted on: Sun, 03 Nov 2013 17:25:40 +0000

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