Thinking out loud here... As ministers of the Gospel, its our job - TopicsExpress


Thinking out loud here... As ministers of the Gospel, its our job to teach the whole counsel of God. Including biblical doctrine about sowing & reaping, and Gods will for your financial well-being. BUT... Theres a BIG DIFFERENCE between teaching, and straight-up manipulating people to give money! If a minister purposely manipulates peoples emotions in order to get an offering, hes USURPING THE HOLY SPIRITS PLACE IN THEIR HEARTS. You see, its also our job to teach you how to hear the Holy Spirit for yourself! And then do what HE tells you to do. Let me explain. These verses are often used to manipulate people. 2 Corinthians 9:6,7: ...He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. ...Let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver. Now if you give because youre manipulated, it becomes grudgingly or of necessity. But if you give as you PURPOSE IN YOUR HEART (Spirit-led) you are very much a cheerful giver. GOD LEADS YOU BY YOUR HEART, not by the emotion of the moment. And certainly not by pressure from preachers! When youre Spirit-led, you dont sow sparingly. No... Spirit-led giving is sowing bountifully and reaping bountifully. It makes you CHEERFUL. In January, 2000, the Lord visited me & ignited an ongoing series of dreams/visions about supernatural anointing for finances. Then He told me to tell the people. This has been awkward at times, because I dont want to be misunderstood. But I obey HIM, because its more important to me to keep HIS trust than avoid rocking the religious boat. He said He would make Mike & me examples of His Glory with this financial anointing... I realize some people get squirrelly about these things, but please bear with me. NOTE: 1. God said HE would do it (because its a Covenant issue, like Abraham) 2. He said its an ANOINTING and, 3. He said its for the Spirit-Filled Body of Christ: YOU. He called it money for souls and money with a mission. He said He has assigned money to follow every one of His children, as we obey Him. And that YOU have a portion in the Earth. The way to get your portion OUT of the Earth and into your hands... is by sowing and reaping. When youre obedient to the Holy Spirit, then you have faith to receive! He told me, Call your money! Command it to come to you! Let your money know where you are! He said, I expect my children to work the principles of sowing & reaping, just like a farmer planting for his harvest. Many have learned to SOW, but they need to learn to REAP. False humility keeps them from REAPING. You MUST reap, if you are to finish your God-given assignment on planet Earth. The lost & dying need YOU to prosper... for THEIR sake. ...How shall they preach unless they are sent? (Romans 10:15) So there you go. Im just thinking out loud here... - Ck Thompson
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 09:32:16 +0000

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