Thirsty! Water cut off in Detroit violates human rights as - TopicsExpress


Thirsty! Water cut off in Detroit violates human rights as thousands affected. 29 June 2014 Residents of Detroit, Michigan who are $150 or two months past-due on their water bills are having their water shut off by the bankrupt city. Now, even the *********************************** Detroit residents water bill is nearly double the national average of $40 Desperate calls for help from the #UN. Rights groups in the #US appeal to the UN to assist the residents of the US city of #Detroit over the government-enforced #water #shutoffs. Nearly half of the residents of Detroit, representing 150,000 people, are delinquent. Detroit’s average monthly water bill is nearly double the national average of $40. The Detroit City Council approved a 9% hike last week. US Rep. John Conyers has slammed the practice by the Detroit Water and Sewerage Department calling it “inhumane”. What do you think about water shutoffs in Detroit? https://facebook/PRESSTV/photos/a.352265081481952.72927.145097112198751/741442989230824/?type=1&theater ************************************** US Uncut - This isnt the end of the fight After mounting pressure from local activists, the United Nations Human Rights Office of the High Commissioner has called on the Detroit Water and Sewerage Department to stop water shutoffs on thousands of poor families that cannot afford to pay. This isnt the end of the fight, though, and more pressure is needed to end the shutoffs, provide immediate relief to families, and get a Water Affordability Plan like the one from Michigan Welfare Rights Organization (MWRO) that ensures this doesnt happen again. Learn more and get involved with the Detroit Water Brigade here: ********************************** Chomsky (2014) Neo-Liberalism Is neither New nor Liberal youtube/watch?v=DuklYyg6aSA Freedom Rider: Detroit and Iraq | Black Agenda Report News, analysis and commentary from the black left. blackagendareport via Black Agenda Report ************************************** Emergency Manager in Detroit Move to Shut off the Water to Thousands of Residents Water is a Human Right: Detroit Residents Seek U.N. Intervention as City Shuts Off Taps to Thousands. Democracy Now! The level of water cutoffs that we’re seeing in #Detroit is absolutely outrageous. It is a scandal... Detroit Utility Doesnt Believe Water Is A Human Right, Continues Shut Offs - ANIMAL animalnewyork/2014/detroit-utility-doesnt-believe-water-human-right-continues-shut-offs/ Thousands without water in Detroit msnbc/politicsnation/watch/thousands-without-water-in-detroit-287384643750 Nestle CEO: Water Is Not A Human Right, Should Be Privatized youtube/watch?v=SEFL8ElXHaU ******************************************* Food fight: Coast Guard bill could limit Aid to Hungry | Al Jazeera America New piece on the politics (and economics) of US food aid at Al Jazeera America: america.aljazeera/articles/2014/6/25/maritime-industryandfoodaid.html via The Big Truck That Went By: How the World Came to Save Haiti https://facebook/TheBigTruckThatWentBy?fref=nf ******************************** Great Lakes Communities Struggle in Fight Against Proposed Nuclear Waste Facility. ecowatch Concerned citizens started a petition asking lawmakers in Canada and the U.S. to block the approval of the proposed nuclear waste ecowatch/2014/06/26/great-lakes-proposed-nuclear-waste-facility/ ************************************ Medical Apartheid Medical Experimentation on Black Americans from Colonial Times to the Present. Democracy Now! Medical scholar Harriet Washington joins us to talk about her new book, Medical Apartheid: The Dark History of Medical Experimentation on Black Americans from Colonial Times to the Present. The book reveals the hidden underbelly of scientific research and the roots of the African American health deficit. It also examines less well-known abuses and looks at unethical practices and mistreatment of blacks that are still taking place in the medical establishment today. [includes rush transcript] Filed under Medical Experimentation A new report by the American Cancer society shows that African-Americans are still more likely than any other group to develop and die of cancer. The study states that socio-economic factors play the largest role in this disparity--African Americans have less access to health care and information, and are less likely to get screening and medical treatment. Well, a new book offers one answer into why black Americans deeply mistrust American medicine. Medical Apartheid: The Dark History of Medical Experimentation on Black Americans from Colonial Times to the Present is the first and only comprehensive history of medical experimentation, abuse and neglect of African Americans. The book reveals the hidden underbelly of scientific research and the roots of the African American health deficit. It begins with the earliest encounters of blacks and the medical establishment during slavery, looks at how eugenics and social Darwinism was used to justify medical experiments conducted by the government and the military--and offers new details about the infamous Tuskegee Experiments that began in the 1930s. Medical Apartheid also examines less well-known abuses and looks at unethical practices and mistreatment of blacks that are still taking place in the medical establishment today. With us now is the Author of the book--Harriet Washington. She is a medical writer and editor — and a visiting Scholar at DePaul University School of Law. Harriet Washington. Medical writer and editor. She is a visiting Scholar at DePaul University School of Law. Previously she was a Fellow in Medical Ethics at Harvard Medical School and at Stanford University. She is the author of the new book, Medical Apartheid.
Posted on: Sat, 28 Jun 2014 23:59:35 +0000

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