This AWESOME email came in today from Glenn in the SF Bay - TopicsExpress


This AWESOME email came in today from Glenn in the SF Bay area: hi NorMan I like you am fed up with the republicon arrogance and hypocrisy. John McCain complains about the recent prisoner swap. John McCain the POW was himself released due to negotiations and promises that america would withdraw from vietnam. (the paris peace accord - kissinger/nixon). Reagan negotiated with terrorists during the iran-contra scandal these republicons HATE the president and are ready to take either side of ANY issue to make him look bad. Bergdahl was released, so they immediately declare that is bad and that he is a traitor. if there was an opportunity for him to be released and it was squandered and these facts came to light, the republicons would immediately declare Obama inept and weak for failing to win his release. back during the vietnam war do you remember how the republicons used to cry and scream if anyone dared to oppose the war or criticize the president??? they would claim if you dont like the president, you must hate america. my country right or wrong, but my country. even george w. tried this are either with us, or you are against us and with the, if you dare disagree with me, you are a terrorist. today its open season for criticism and hatred toward the president. they hate him, they want him to fail, he is a foreigner, a communist, a socialist, a fascist, all at the same time, even though these entities are all different. these people are traitors and they would rather harm america than see Obama succeed. they want the economy to tank, they want the unemployed to lose their benefits, they want people to be without healthcare, they want the country to fail, just so they can say see? look what Obama did to you, now vote for us. they are arrogant and hypocrites and I wish there was a way for them to be held responsible for their actions.
Posted on: Wed, 04 Jun 2014 00:24:26 +0000

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