This H-1B Visa abuse and the Big Lie of No qualified Americans by - TopicsExpress


This H-1B Visa abuse and the Big Lie of No qualified Americans by big well-loved corporations is what destroyed my and thousands of my colleagues professional careers. Ageism and greed, ultra-short-term mentality. I know a lot of people who got screwed over the same way I did. Most of them didnt fall off the hemisphere and reinvent themselves in South America the way I did. Some just sucked it up, contracted with zero-to-minimal benefits and a third the pay as before, or ended up becoming newbie real estate salespeople in a horrible market, or worse. Obama, Bush, Romney, Rodham Clinton, it doesnt make a difference. Google, IBM, Microsoft, HP, Accenture, Cisco, and the big financial companies like JPM Chase, BofA, Fidelity, Schwab, all play the same game, all do the we cant find anyone lies. Voting Democratic isnt going to fix this one, folks. Getting money out of politics via a Constitutional Amendment is pretty much the only shot at it. My last corporate IT job: 18-person team in a US location of a US company. ONE regular, benefited, Full Time Employee. Five of us US residents/citizens employed by a captive in-house contracting firm with crap for benefits, doing work that should have been regular FTE with the excellent benefits the regular employees of that firm got, all ONE of them in our team. SIX people imported from India by Indian outsourcing firm Infosys. All either on H-1B from Infosys - the perfect workaround because the employer themselves had laid off about 9000 people and couldnt get more H-1B visas directly. All sitting in identical cubes, doing identical types of work, under direction of the same manager up near Boston. The other 6 people on that team not counting the manager - all IN INDIA at the companys own captive offshoring firm. ONE regular US employee out of a team of 19 in an advanced Data Warehouse and Analytics group, run by one middle-manager 800 miles north in New England, USA. Then the additional layoffs, and the 10% paycut as of Monday if you want to keep your contract on Monday began, along with the revoking of distance-working arrangements in place in writing for years, which pushed out me and another so-called contractor both over 40 and both well paid. Yes I brought an age discrimination EEOC case. You can imagine how that went. This entire system is corrupt and even the good companies (compared to the worst of the Bankster Corporatocracy) have to play this horrible game or lose business. I found my own solution, say screw it, move to South America, reinvent myself and launch some income streams online. But not everyone can or will do that, not everyone should. Everybody should be treated fairly and this H1-B visa BS is preventing that. There is NO SKILLS SHORTAGE. There is a Greed Excess and a lack of willingness to pay for skilled people.
Posted on: Thu, 10 Apr 2014 22:25:07 +0000

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