This Wilderness Herbal First Responder course has been one of the - TopicsExpress


This Wilderness Herbal First Responder course has been one of the best classes we have ever taught at our school. Daily herbal case studies, pathophyisology for the herbalist, wilderness medicine and rescue, post-disaster and remote herbal and emergency medicine (especially when there is no possibility of higher definitive care), and so much more. From slow-sand water purification to percolation tinctures to SOAP notes to water and vertical rescue to plant walks and wildcrafting, to wound healing and on and on, this course lays what I consider to be a foundational awareness in medical self-sufficiency for anyone interested in being able to function as an herbal medic in remote and post-disaster environments as well as at home. Im exhausted, but I cant wait to teach it again. Tomorrow are our practical trauma scenarios (which include protocol plans for long-term herbal care where appropriate) and our community herbal clinic in the evening, and Friday is testing and graduation. We have a retired Army PA, and EMT, two clinical herbalists and a lot of other very interesting backgrounds of students in this class this year, and I cant wait for the next one! There will definitely be a level 2 of this class in 2015, fall, as well. Heres the 2015 basic WHFR signup. It will run March 16th - March 25th in 2015. https://squareup/market/the-human-path/wilderness-herbal-first-responder-hour-course
Posted on: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 03:53:44 +0000

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