This article from MMK is old, and for the most part, I think hes a - TopicsExpress


This article from MMK is old, and for the most part, I think hes a very a bitter man and theres something to be said of a guy who cosplays Mortal Kombat and Street Fighter characters to religious debates, but there is one paragraph where I nod my head in agreement with Mr. Knight. While they often fawned over Buddhism, Theosophists were less enthusiastic about Islam, which they perceived as more rigid and intolerant. Webb, however, found Islam to be not only a worthy expression of Theosophical ideals, but, in fact, the best candidate for a universal modern religion. He reinvented Muhammad as a rationalist philosopher and even made an unsupportable claim that Islam “requires no belief in the supernatural.” Science and reason represented Islam’s “true spirit” as Webb understood it, but as in the case of Olcott, Webb needed to detach Islam’s “true spirit” from the Islam of everyday Muslims. Webb lamented that while Islam was “the most perfect system of spiritual development the world has ever known,” the effects of “climate and racial influence” left Muslims that he had observed in South Asia unable to comprehend what Muhammad had taught. Webb argued that South Asian Muslims, whom he sometimes called “niggers” in his journals, were so caught up in “ignorance and superstition” that they understood Islam no better than cows or horses. (Knight, Vice: 2013) After thinking long and hard, and after becoming more pious, praying regularly, and reading and extracting from the Quran between prayers, You cannot deny the superstition, or rather, the spiritual and esoteric within Islam. Satan exists to deceive you and bring you off the path of Islam, and he has vowed to the Almighty to do to the children of Adam. The Iman (Spiritual awareness) and its dynamics are another testament to the unseen in Islam. Understanding the reality of magic. Although I wouldnt say the emphasis on strict rationality and the extrasensory/spiritual denailism is a white or western thing, as French theologians who studied Islam, such as Rene Guenon and Henry Corbin not only acknowledged the spiritual and extrasensory aspects of faith, but even denounced the materialistic emphasis on rationality of their Anglo-Saxon counterparts.
Posted on: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 15:32:15 +0000

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