This book is going to be a MUST READ for everyone interested in - TopicsExpress


This book is going to be a MUST READ for everyone interested in Bible prophecy! My friend, Rodrigo Silva has just published his new book: The Coming Bible Prophecy Reformation. Here is the link to the Kindle edition: amazon/…/ref=redir_mdp_m…/192-4744572-6866643 Here is the link to the paperback edition: https://createspace/5124276 The Coming Bible Prophecy Reformation walks the reader through commonly ignored history and Bible Prophecy that unveils the Middle Eastern origins of the Antichrist and his kingdom. Popular prophecy teachers have in the last century pointed to Europe as the area where the Antichrist will rise but a close analysis of history and biblical prophecy point to the Middle East and Islam as the final beast kingdom of the end times. Book Endorsements: The Apostle Peter said that all believers would do well to pay attention to the words of the prophets, which he likened to a shining lamp that would become increasingly brighter until the day that Jesus returns. When we look at the perspective of the global Church concerning the issue of the end times, we see a progressive understanding being opened up, as we draw closer to the day. This book will surely become a significant contribution to the discussion and should be taken seriously by all serious students of prophecy. As radical Islam continues its spread globally, Rodrigo Silva’s insights will add tremendous understanding to all who are diligently watching, studying and praying. —Joel Richardson, NYT bestselling author, teacher, film-maker Silvas book was a breath of fresh air as to the nature of the beast. He really does a fantastic job exposing the errors of many Prophecy teachers in the West. His careful treatment of the biblical text and his inclusions of much of what few examine regarding Antichrist makes a compelling case as to the necessity to shift to the correct paradigm of Bible Prophecy, especially in our times today when we see the world heading into World War III —Walid Shoebat “Rodrigo Silva presents a facinating thesis on the last days. I believe he has made a concrete case for a Middle-East centric Beast, as opposed to the common European or American idea of prophecy. He gives the reader a new way to look at Bible prophecy and has persuasively challenged many misconceptions, with an abundance of evidence which will undoubtly cause the reader to reconsider their view. A compelling and fantastic read.” — John Preacher, Armageddon News “Rodrigo Silva has put compiled a devastating rebuttal to the commonly held tenets of Bible Prophecy. As he aptly puts, nearly all prophecy books and teachers say trust me and leave out the Scriptures. The reference is provided, but the text is not. Certainly not the context. Just as in the days of the First Advent, the traditions of man have usurped the Word of God among those who should know better. Group-think has taken over the Church in this regard, as it is to our detriment. Praise God, He is faithful and has been doing amazing things in the past decade leading men like Mr. Silva out of the wilderness and into the simple Truth of the Last Days. As the Caliphate is reborn in the lands of Babylon and Assyria, may this be the call that wakes thousands more out of their slumber. The Reformation has indeed arrived. ” — Christopher Mantei, Director, WingsOfTheEagle “Bravo Rodrigo! In my opinion, this book is a comprehensive study revealing the identity and origin of the coming man of sin! Anyone taking the time to read and study this book, will be compelled to give themselves a check-up from the neck-up, and align their thinking with the Bible, rather than with mens traditional teachings! Clearly, the Islamic Middle Eastern countries surrounding Israel and Jerusalem, rather than Europe and the EU, is the Scriptures focus for the coming days, and should be ours as well! ” — Dave Watchman, director of TheWatchmansTime
Posted on: Sat, 29 Nov 2014 04:23:19 +0000

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