This eulogy is written by the Facebook v Our Dearest Mama Petunia - TopicsExpress


This eulogy is written by the Facebook v Our Dearest Mama Petunia We gather here today to say our final goodbye to you. As I try to write this, I blankly stare at the computer not knowing where to begin or maybe fearing that we must finally accept you are gone. It has been three months since you crossed Rainbow Bridge. I am not sure where the heartache began: was it the first day we were all shocked by the images of your pregnant burned body or the day your heart stopped and you let go. What is worse? The fright and horror that someone could do something so horrific to an innocent being or that the person who has committed this act of cruelty is still on the streets? As much as we“wish,” we will never know your whole story; we only know your story as it began with us. You knew long before we did that you would not survive this trauma. You chose us to provide for your babies. You gave us five lives to nurture, protect and love as you wouldhave. You never second guessed your decision. You allowed your medical staff to treat your burns and other injuries, and to make the best decisions for your health and the health of your babies. You never snarled or growled. You accepted the help, love and support that we could provide with grace. I could go on and on about your grueling treatments; your soft, sweet temperament; your burns and wounds; your devotion to your babies despite the immense pain you were in: I could, and will, tell your story over and over, but today I want to tell you what you mean to those of us gathered here and those around the world who continue to mourn your passing. From the first look into your eyes, I knew you were different. I, along with the many people who followed your story, had so much concern about your condition and a steadfast determination to make you well. It was days before I was able to look you directly in the eyes, but well before that I knew that I would love you differently. We, as in the world, absolutely adore you. Your face, your eyes, your burns, your babies—every inch of your being was surrounded by the love we all have for you. The world cheered you on, they prayed with all their might that you would survive. You showed so many admirable qualities in the few days you were with us. As an expectant mother you carried on until you arrived at a safe haven. No longer as scared or alone, you then delivered your babies knowing you would all be well taken care of. You gave us what was yours. You understood when you left this earth, your babies would never have to experience the life of pain and suffering you knew. You had confidence in us that we would shield your babies from harm and cruelty. You gave us exactly what we can handle before you let go. You are the most unselfish being that we have ever met. On Sunday, April 7th, our hearts shattered. There were no words, only tearful conversations. We all knew what had happened—you had paid the ultimate price. There wasn’t a dry eye in the world. We sat in silence trying to comprehend the lessons to be gained by your passing; trying to understand why you were taken from us when you fought so hard to survive. We found comfort in each other. You brought all of us together, we all shared the same love for you. As you know Mama, this story has not quite unfolded as it should have—or rather, as we would have wanted it to continue for the lives you left behind. In the wake of the passing of your sweet Jasmine and Snapdragon, we are reminded that we do not plan our route—our life and the life of all creatures is already mapped out before we begin the journey. As we move forward, if additional heartache comes to us, we will remember the pure joy that you once brought and the dignity you showed until the very end. The joy and dignity you showed us will help our hearts heal as we continue to care for the lives entrusted to us. In the months since your sudden passing, we have been able to better understand some of the lessons you bestowed on all of us. · You taught us that forgiving those that do us wrong does not make you weak—it feeds the soul. · You taught us that being scared is okay—the strong cannot stay strong all the time. · You taught us that even on the ugliest days we are more than beautiful. · You have taught us that being angry only destroys our own hearts. · You have taught how to be grateful on the gloomiest days. · The biggest lesson we take away is that even when a life ends, it never leaves us—it is imprinted forever in our hearts. There are so many things we who love you are sorry for. · We are sorry that someone was cruel to you and did not respect your life. · We are sorry that as hard as we fought to heal your wounds, you lost your life to the ignorance of humans. · We are sorry that your life was cut so short and you were not able to experience the paradise of love and devotion that waited for you in a home of your own when you were well. There also is so much we are thankful to you for. · We thank you for choosing us. · We thank you for trusting us. · We thank you for allowing us to share your suffering in order to educate others about abuse and cruelty. · We thank you for allowing us to show you kindness, respect and admiration. · We thank you for teaching us courage and gratitude. · We thank you for entrusting us with the life of your babies. · We thank you for letting go when you needed to, not when we were ready. Through our tears and our goodbyes we stand strong together. We promise you as we tire we will be reminded of your journey and strength—it will give us the motivation to push through to save another life. When our hearts are about to break, we will remember the happiness left behind from the ones who passed on. Our tears and heartache will alone give us the fuel to never leave the abandoned or the broken. We will continue tirelessly to save one by one. Mama your death is not in vain—so many have been inspired by your story: they donate, spread the word about animal cruelty, volunteer, foster and adopt. Thank you Mama Petunia for entering our lives. Thank you for allowing us to love you. Know Mama, that when the warm wind blows, this is what we whisper in your ear: You were loved, You are loved, You will forever be loved by those of us who hold you dear in our hearts. Until the hearts of those who know and share your story stop beating, you will never truly be gone—you will continue to live on.
Posted on: Sun, 09 Jun 2013 22:23:33 +0000

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