This goes out to anyone who reads this. Please do not think that - TopicsExpress


This goes out to anyone who reads this. Please do not think that by sharing and posting all this stuff means i am trying to conform you to what i believe. Also do not think that i am trying to force you to believe as i believe - for i am not. We have all been blessed to have copies of the word of Yehovah - the Bible - to read for ourselves. Yehovah will never force you to worship Him or follow His instructions. He says in His word - I set before you life and death YOU CHOOSE. Unfortunately there is a lot of evil people in the world and their motives and agendas are not as straight forward as Yehovahs. We have had a lot of help, over the centuries, of misunderstanding the truth of Yehovah. There has been a lot of twisting, combining, removing and distorting of Yehovahs truth in an attempt to keep us away from Him. Over the centuries we have been fed lies upon lies about Yehovah and His instructions to us. At this time, Yehovah is in the process of restoring His truth back into the world. He is also exposing the lies and uncovering what others have hidden from us. We do Him a great disservice when we just believe what we are told without checking it out for ourselves. It is my greatest pleasure to be able to share that restoration of information and revelation to all who will receive it. I will continue to share with you the lies that hasatan and evil men have placed in our face to keep us from knowing Yehovahs truth so that you can choose wisely instead of out of ignorance (not having knowledge) of His truth. My hope and prayer is that each one of you will take a moment to seriously consider the What if of the information posted. I personally would hate to get to that moment when i have to stand before our Creator and explain why i never verified what i said i believed or why i never checked to see if what i believe lined up with what His word says to me. Yehovah presented me a what if moment very early in my life - that what if moment changed my life and turned me back to His Truth and His ways. This decision is a choice i have never regretted, whether you understand it or agree with it. So let me remind you what His word says: I set before you life and death, you choose - choose life. Life is found in His word - its our job to find that truth in His Words to us and live by it. So please Choose life. To all those who honor the Fourth Commandment of Yehovah - Shabbat Shalom
Posted on: Fri, 22 Nov 2013 20:12:55 +0000

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