This goober says the debate over Obamas real Hawaiian birth - TopicsExpress


This goober says the debate over Obamas real Hawaiian birth certificate is settled because he saw a letter written by Obama years ago that named the hospital in which he was born. Never mind that Obama published a birth certificate so obviously fake that most junior high school students with Photoshop can take it apart, something that cant be done with a single scanned document. Every document he has released has been proved fake by computer experts. One more example is his Selective Service Card with an incorrect type of date stamp on it. The impostor and illegal alien occupying our White House wasnt born in Hawaii any more than I came from the moon. He was most likely born in Kenya. The man he claims as his father is in doubt also since his mother was a slutty piece of white trash who screwed every black guy who would have her because she was rebelling against the American establishment of the time. She was the child of hard core communists who sent her to communist school. Obamas name wasnt even Obama until he needed someone to claim as his father, so he changed from Barry Sereto to Barack Hussein Obama II, so people would assume he knew who his daddy was. If there was a court in this land that would hear the evidence they would have ample proof to declare him an impostor and an illegal alien and remove him from office and charge him with treason and other crimes against the American people. So Mr. Abercrombies assertion that O was certainly born in Hawaii doesnt hold coconut juice when compared to all the evidence to the contrary. Regardless of where he was born he is still not eligible to hold the office of president because of the interpretation of the natural born clause. He was not born of two American citizens. Obama I never claimed to be a citizen and there is doubt that his mother maintained her citizenship because she didnt return within the allowable time limits, or so Ive read.
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 00:43:31 +0000

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