This greed means that if wages are less than the market value of - TopicsExpress


This greed means that if wages are less than the market value of the labor those workers provide, some company will offer a better pay so it can exploit those workers a little bit less. - Jeffrey Dorfman Forbes Magazine Contributor in favor of abolishing the minimum wage This is why its so important to vote. Your right winged friends are buying into this sort of baloney and forcing this lie on the rest of us. Is this what we want, to be exploited a little less? This reminds me of the Fox News anchor who said maybe there is a little too much rape in the military... As if there is a level of acceptable rape or in this case exploiting of employees. With the above statement it would seem as though Jeffrey just made the perfect case for increasing the minimum wage, even though he is staunching against it. “Do not let any calamity-howling executive with an income of $1,000 a day, who has been turning his employees over to the Government relief rolls in order to preserve his company’s undistributed reserves, tell you – using his stockholders’ money to pay the postage for his personal opinions — tell you that a wage of $11.00 a week is going to have a disastrous effect on all American industry.” - Franklin Delano Roosevelt (1938, Fireside Chat, the night before signing the Fair Labor Standards Act that instituted the federal minimum
Posted on: Sat, 25 Oct 2014 17:28:08 +0000

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