This guy Pat Lynch is a real peice of work. This is not the time - TopicsExpress


This guy Pat Lynch is a real peice of work. This is not the time to play the blame game and point fingers. Mayor Deblasio had nothing to do with this POS traveling all the way from BALTIMORE to NYC to wreak havoc on those Officers. Try pointing your hateful little fingers at the Attorneys in GEORGIA and the JUDGES who continually let this ticking time bomb back on the streets.after each brush he had with the law and apparently there were many. You and your hateful rhetoric have NO PLACE in the NYPD and I am sure you dont speak for all the rank and file. It is narrow minded power hungry nuts like yourself who need to be voted out after a certain amount of time, apparently you think you run the joint, there are certainly enough OFFICERS to get you out and new blood in, who will work to bring the NYPD and PoLitical figures together not try and divide them. You have an issue with our MAYOR talking with his bi racial son on how to respond if he is ever stopped by the POLICE, you consider that throwing the NYPD under the bus?? Well you know what that kind of thinking makes you- A Real Special Kind Of Stupid, maybe you havent been blessed with being a parent so of course your brain wont compute, that whatever POLITICAL office or title one holds, being a PARENT is FIRST and FOREMOST, it trumps all other, so yes if having that talk with his son who looks 99% African-American is a problem for you and whoever you have convinced it is then you need a another job, perhaps you might try throwing your hat in the ring to work on Capitol Hill, youd fit right in with BOEHNER and his cronies or maybe youd like to take this Country back decades, where you turned fire hoses and dogs and beat men and women in the streets with your batons and got away with it. #ALLLIVESMATTER. Those OFFICERS didnt deserve to die at the hands of some worthless criminal, but neither did ERIC GARNER or MIKE BROWN or AHKAI GURLEY at the hands of those sworn to protect and serve. NO one lives by an eye for an eye . SO stop spewing your hatefilled rants and try bringing this CITY together so that there is no reoccurance of this from either side, Its time to heal.
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 05:35:45 +0000

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