This has been a difficult semester for our Appalachian family. I - TopicsExpress


This has been a difficult semester for our Appalachian family. I am deeply saddened by those whom we have lost this semester. I would, however, like to address some things that I feel are necessary. First, someone’s death is not something to be made into entertainment. I am deeply concerned with some of the posts I have seen in various places such as Yik Yak, Twitter, and by word of mouth. Regardless of what happened, a member of our community is no longer with us and the pain is very real. It is not a time to spread gossip, talk negatively, or to consider self-harm. Rest in peace is used, because that is what needs to happen. We are better than that, and it is certainly a shame that our media has turned pain, violence, and death into entertainment. Secondly, I promise you that if you are feeling lonely, lost, scared, useless, forgotten, WE CARE ABOUT YOU. Please know that it will get better. Life can be challenging at times, but know that there are people to help. If you feel suicidal at all or notice someone who may engage in or is engaging in self harm, please get help. I am one to proudly say that in times of darkness and in times of stress, I sought out help with the ASU Counseling Center. It is ok, it does not make me less of a person, and they do care. I know this may seem heavy, but it is so easy during times of stress to fall apart and to lose hope. We must come together in these times, stand up for the right thing, and not fall into the norm. Appalachian State is better than that, and so are all of you. So in times of stress know that prayers, thoughts, and positivity are welcome. We may have fallen a lot this semester, but we will continue to stand up. Look out for your friends, and maybe even for the person in your class who sits alone. Be a bigger person and reach out to them. I promise you 99% of your judgments about people are wrong. Get to know those people and hear their stories, and maybe you will even learn something yourself. It’s important to remember that setbacks, failures, and tragedy are a part of life. Whether we manage to find joy and success in the daily struggle of life is largely dependent on our ability to persevere ourselves through even the toughest adversity without ever giving up. As Nelson Mandela said, “The greatest glory in living lies not in never failing, but in rising every time we fail.”
Posted on: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 19:21:59 +0000

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