This interview is from 2012, any resemblance to whats been going - TopicsExpress


This interview is from 2012, any resemblance to whats been going on today(2014) is merely a coincidence? Psalm 83 If you are incapable of regaining the holy city(Jerusalem), I beg you to leave it occupied. A generation will come that will liberate it for us... Let me say something to you, the viewers and the Palestinians: this Land is not yours. Palestine, the Holy Land - and especially Jerusalem and the Al-Aqsa Mosque - does not belong to the Palestinians. It belongs to the entire Islamic nation. By allah, even if all the Palestinians accept a compromise and hand over Jerusalem, we will not agree to that. Even if you become weak and surrender, we will not weaken. We will continue to wage resistance until we liberate it. These are our holy places. This is the Islamic mentality as I understand it. Im from Kuwait, but my first and foremost cause in this world is that of Palestine and Jerusalem. Palestine and Jerusalem come before Kuwait for me because Im a Muslim, and I believe in my holy places. A nation that relinquishes its holy places becomes worthless. Even if the Palestinians relinquish it, the Islamic nation will not. In a nutshell, my strategy is as follows: We must consolidate the position of the Palestinians within Palestine as much as possible. We must support the armed resistance in Gaza, and if possible, we must spread it to the West Bank, and even to Palestine (within the 1948 borders). If we can, we should do that. Third, the countries bordering (Israel) must be serious in their resistance to the Zionist entity. Thanks to allah, there are signs of this. Fourth, this must be a mission for the entire Islamic nation. Everyone should support this cause. The most dangerous thing facing the Muslims is not the dictatorships. The absolutely most dangerous thing is the Jews. They are the most dangerous. They are the greatest enemy.
Posted on: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 01:00:14 +0000

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