This is: Fast Food Moms Jim Wallis wrote: She works the - TopicsExpress


This is: Fast Food Moms Jim Wallis wrote: She works the drive-through window at 4 pm, but whenever theres a lull, the young mother returns to a corner table in the burger joint. Three kids sit there - schoolbooks, papers and pencils all spread out - doing their homework. Mom helps as best she can, while keeping the orders straight for burgers and fries. Given her low wages, this single mother balances more than fast food and homework; she decides between paying the rent, going to the doctor, getting prescriptions, and next winters boots for her kids. She is a fast-food mom. Soccer moms and NASCAR dads are popular, but fast-food moms, often forgotten or ignored, are part of the low-income demographic. Many among the working poor cannot afford health care or food, or even find affordable housing. We may believe that with full time work, nobody should be poor, but many hard-working families are poor, even while holding down multiple jobs, just to survive. Our work ethic is at risk when work is not enough to support a family, or when there is no work to be found. Poverty is a moral issue. We can ask ourselves, when did I see you hungry and gave you food, naked and clothed you, or homeless and gave you shelter?* Lets Pray: Dear God, bless the fast-food moms and dads for their determination and dedication. Help them find work at a livable wage. Let them see education as way out. Encourage Your people to respond to the needs of the poor. Let those who can, create jobs. Amen. Heres a Thought: Dont despair. Keep trying. Sources: Jim Wallis, The Washington Post, washingtonpost/wp-dyn/articles/A14272-2004Jun3.html, June 3, 2004 *Matthew 25:31-46 Jim Wallis, Burger King Mom: Being Poor in America. To buy his book see
Posted on: Sat, 03 May 2014 10:29:33 +0000

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