This is NOT being written out of disrespect for the work done by - TopicsExpress


This is NOT being written out of disrespect for the work done by those who labored in the Anti-Poverty, Ad-Hoc Committee. However, we MUST remain realistic and focused (with laser-like precision) regarding much-needed, much-deserved, and way-overdue, widespread, fundamental, permanent, change and improvement. Our suffering, dying children cannot afford to wait --- while we chase pipe-dreams. Of all the Recommendations ( scribd/doc/210683191/Recommendations-of-Special-Committees-030414-pdf ) produced by four (4) Ad-Hoc Committees, which were recently convened by Commissioner Van White, for the purpose of developing ideas concerning potential improvement in the Rochester City School District (RCSD) --- those discussed in the article below represent the ones that are (in my humble, but staunch view) least worth pursuing. The reason why, is because they are premised on the fundamentally erroneous idea that there is some type of logical, cost-effective / efficient, or even desirable way of bringing about significant integration among City and Suburban students. There is not. With regard to this very old, worn-out dog, which just will not hunt -- it is, and always has been, crystal-clear that there is massive, well-financed, and well organized resistance, on the part of the majority of predominantly, but not exclusively, white, middle, and upper class suburbanites. For the most part, and in the main, they are NOT interested in their children going to school with ours --- period. It is important (for the sake of our children) to accept this reality, and act, or not act, accordingly. Considering current financial pressures and shortfalls, and the fact that many RCSD schools are grossly under-resourced --- it makes absolutely no sense at all to spend one, red cent on ideas that represent nothing more or less than chasing pipe dreams. As a matter of fact, as a parent, whose child is attending one of the above referenced, under-resourced schools --- some of the ideas below make me straight-up mad (thats beyond angry) as hell. Lets examine the ideas: - attract suburban students by developing schools and programs theyd want to attend --- WHAT??? If the RCSD can develop schools and programs that are so attractive that suburban students would want to attend them --- then go the hell on and develop them --- FOR OUR STUDENTS. - conduct market research on what [suburbanites] needs arent being met — for instance, certain specialized vocational programs suburban districts cant afford to offer. WHAT??? WHAT??? Do you mean to tell me that the Board would actually, seriously consider paying someone (even if its current RCSD employees, which would probably not be the case --- since everyone knows that the district consistently runs to organizations such as the Center For Governmental Research, which, like so many others, have been pimping the district for decades, and has raked in millions of dollars conducting unnecessary, essentially useless, so-called market research) --- to determine if the RCSD can develop programs suburban districts cant afford to offer? WHAT??? Am I missing something here? - greater participation in the Urban-Suburban program. RIGHT!!! Were talking about a program thats nearly 50 years old, and 50 years later, only 7 of the 21 public school districts in Monroe County participate, benefiting a grand total of 619 students (out of hundreds of thousands), and we can be absolutely certain that NOT ONE among the most challenging, (academically or behaviorally) urban, regular education students attends school in any suburban school district in Monroe County. - opportunity wedges, geographical areas on the citys borders where students could cross district lines to attend school. NOT GONNA HAPPEN --- THE NEWS MEDIA KNEW EXACTLY WHO TO CALL (JODY SIEGLE) --- TO EXPLAIN ALL OF THE REASONS WHY, ITS NOT GONNA HAPPEN. Lastly, as it relates to effectively dealing with concentrated poverty --- it is not something that the RCSD can do --- period. It is the duty and responsibility of the Federal, State, County, and City Governments to work (of course in conjunction with the RCSD) to effectively address so-called concentrated poverty --- mainly via JOBS, JOBS, JOBS, JOB, JOB-CREATION-AND-TRAINING PROGRAMS, AND IMPROVEMENT OF THE DECREPIT, URBAN, PUBLIC EDUCATION SYSTEM, but not by tinkering- around-the-edges and chasing pipe dreams. Instead, with regard to the Recommendations that were advanced by the AD-Hoc Committees --- the Board needs to fully embrace, and work to help ensure implementation of those that are STRUCTURAL AND SYSTEMIC IN NATURE.
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 21:44:57 +0000

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