This is a MUST read RACIST comment from a person who viewed - TopicsExpress


This is a MUST read RACIST comment from a person who viewed Christelyn Karazins interview on Tom Joyner TV: I understand this woman’s perspective. However, she’s delusional to think that Black woman are highly desired by men of other ethnicities (especially White). There are exceptions along the way, but I’m speaking “generally”. I’m also referring to prominent white men that White women would view as a “loss”. Again, there are exceptions along the way (albeit VERY rare). You will NEVER see the likes of Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Mark Zuckerberg, etc. with a Black woman. NEVER………they know better. This would alienate them in certain “high” circles. A Black woman is regarded as “bottom rung” on that social scale. An Asian woman is “acceptable” (such as Zuckerberg’s wife), but a White woman is the “gold standard”. Ridiculous as that sounds! We’re talking Billionaires & multiMillionaires (affluent men) here. The top-notch! Some Black women will date a “basic” White dude down at Walmart. Just being with a white guy makes them feel somehow elevated in society. Although, they’re perhaps with a White guy that most decent white women have passed on (don’t see as a loss). Yet, the White, Asian or Hispanic women get top-notch Black men with ease. Tiger Woods, Kobe Bryant, Michael Jordan, etc. (including tons of wealthy Black doctors, lawyers & businessmen sprinkled in there too). A very successful White businessman in Atlanta named James Sullivan learned this the hard way. He was worth millions and considered upper echelon among high society. A member of the most exclusive country clubs, elite organizations, etc. Then, he went and married a Black woman named Lita. The “Big Boys” (Corporate contacts) flipped the script on him for that infraction. He knew the “unwritten” rules & broke them. They cut him off big time! No longer welcomed at the fancy events, posh country clubs, etc. They made him persona non grata “socially” & his business suffered. He was no longer welcomed in that lavish world of luxury………and missed it dearly. The “shot callers” at the banks ceased funding him. They’d walk right by like he was a complete stranger now. In other words, don’t “pollute” our realm. He got the message loud & clear. He had his Black wife killed to be accepted again. Another Atlanta businessman, Chiman Rai, had his son Ricky’s Black wife killed in similar fashion (for similar reasons). He went a step farther in stating that “a BLACK woman brings shame & dishonor to his family”. Court records said that he felt “humiliated” (among friends & assiciates) from his son having a Black wife. Let’s “keep it real”, Black women are NOT on a par with women of other races (from societal standards of acceptance). Halle Berry is an EXTREMELY beautiful Black woman (can easily hold her own against ANY woman of any race). On top of that, she’s wealthy. Yet, she stated in court that her White ex-husband beat her & often called her “NIG_ _ _” during arguments. In other words, yeah you’ve accomplished much, but you’re still BLACK at the end of the day. Some women are foolish enough to think that some random White dude is their arrival into the “promised land”. Yet, truly powerful White men know that they can only be their “bed wenches” (unless they want to risk their societal status). P L E A S E !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! See at all here:
Posted on: Tue, 11 Feb 2014 04:01:37 +0000

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