This is a beautiful song and I love itl!! I pray that our flag - TopicsExpress


This is a beautiful song and I love itl!! I pray that our flag will continue to wave strong and free in spite of the overwhelmingly obvious desire to dumb down our youth, politically enslave our poor and underprivileged, destroy the middle class and profoundly rule and control every aspect of our lives to the point that we no longer are free to chose for ourselves or even remember how to step up and do that. I fear that there is not one honest man or woman left in Washington, from the President on down and of any political party or persuasion, who remembers that they are there to work for us, represent us and to preserve and protect the Constitution of our country. I know longer believe that they even know what the Constitution says, much less what it stands for. Do we have obvious problems that need to be solved, YES, but do we need to be controlled in every or even any aspect of our lives, NO! We need to work on the problem without political posturing on both sides. Only a fool would believe that any of them are doing anything other than trying to strengthen their political party!! I pray for my children and grandchildren and for yours because I fear that the day is fast approaching that the current youth and future generations of our country will think that when speaking of rights the first think that will come to their minds will be something that is material and free or that somebody else has that they want. We no longer know that the RIGHT to life, liberty and the PURSUIT of happiness is dependent on our ability to stand tall on our own, look for and work hard on our own and all the responsibilities that come with those things. Bill and I started with nothing, we were 17 and 19 years old when we got married. We had 2 children in the first 2 years of our marriage and we expected nothing from anybody. We didnt come from rich families and we started at the bottom. We both only had high school degrees, but we were willing to do what was necessary to change our situation. We worked 2 and 3 jobs to get ahead....sold mattresses out of our garage, drove school buses, sold Avon, did telemarketing, plus our regular 40 hour a week jobs. We had dreams for our future and our childrens future and we believed that we had to work to attain those dreams even if the job was not a dream was a means to get to our ultimate goal. God forgive us for what we have done to our nations children....weve taught that its okay not to try, not to stand morally strong and not to dream. Lord, forgive us for what we have done to this country, but most of all, forgive us for turning our backs on You and taking You out of our schools, our government, our decisions and our lives. Raise up leaders among our pastors, our teachers, our military leaders, our government officials, our police, our firemen, our local leaders and most of all our parents, who can stand tall and strong and lead us back to You and the country You would have us be! Father, history teaches that our country was founded and built on Christian principles, help us get back to those principles. Now I realize that there are people who will read this and completely disagree with it.....thats okay because thats your right. BUT, this is my prayer and my page, so dont come and rant and rave on my page. You WILL NOT change my mind.....I firmly and steadfastly believe every word that I said and God has impressed it upon MY heart that I needed to stand up and declare where I stand before there is a law that says I cant.....even if I stand alone!!!
Posted on: Thu, 31 Oct 2013 18:33:15 +0000

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