This is a brief list of concise bullet points that highlight the - TopicsExpress


This is a brief list of concise bullet points that highlight the despicable and appalling ways of Abdur-Rahmaan Al-Adanee, Mohammed Al-Wasaabee, Ubayd Al-Jaabiree, Al-Barmakee and whoever walks their path q1-Restricted loyalty and emnity q2-Blameworthy Fanatacism with the two sons of Al-Maree (Abdur-Rahmaan Al-Adanee and his brother Abdullah Al-Adanee)1 q3-Forsaking and avoiding Ahlus-Sunnah, and the abolishment (of forsaking) some of the people of innovation and desires q4-Making dissention between the people, and moving quickly towards it q5-Concealing things, and having private, Hizbee sittings q6-Lying, immorality and false oaths q7-Plotting, deceit, disloyalty and hiding realities due to fear q8-Turning the realities upside down and tampering with peoples speech q9-Inventing stories and obsession for Hizbiyyah q10-Slander, fabrications and spying q11-Falsely and dishonestly testifying to someones religiousness q12-Waiting for the consensus of the scholars before accepting the detailed disparagement q13- rejecting and refusal of accepting the information relayed by one person with proof and evidences q14- Using the statement of he who does not know as an argument against the statement of the one that does know q15-Believing the information relayed by unknown people and those people who use false names and pseudonyms q16-Shaykh Yahya is an apostate, a heratic and without religion q17-Making permissible some of the Haraam matters like taking part in elections, free mixing and begging q18-I swear by Allah, I swear by Allah, I swear by Allah its not permissible to study with him- meaning Shaykh Yahya q19-We have ended with Abul-Hassan, now its Al-Hujoorees turn1 q20-There will be Fitnah between the Mashaayikh, so stick to the Ulemaa of the kingdom (i.e. Saudi Arabia)1 q21-Ahlus Sunnah in Yemen are called innovators just because of cars and libraries1 q22-It is not for a disparager to talk about a person who is not from his country, neither is he with him, and neither is he his Shaykh1 q23-The truth is not accepted unless it comes from the Ulemaa q24-Do not say so and so is a Hizbee, this does not concern you q25-Al-Jarh Wat-Tadeel is from the affairs of Ijtihaad, it is not a text from the sky saying so and so is weak, so and so is abandoned and so and so is a Hizbee q26-if an article is written, then there should not be written therein so and sos name nor any feud q27-Warning from innovation, sins and partizanship with gentleness q28-Students of knowledge should not talk, neither should they bring criticism, neither any appraise, protect your tongue- until- Shaykh so and so says about so and so that he is such and such q29-The evil is not changed by the hand except by the committee or the ruler, not by just anyone q30-The claimant is not a judge, rather he is judged upon, so it is incumbant that there is a third person to clarify the magnitude of the mistakes, and who is right and who is wrong q31-I am a sunni and you are a sunni q32-The speech of the peers is to be hidden away and not narrated q33-Defending the Aqeedah, however without starting a feud with anyone q34-We are not in a feud with anybody except Abul-Hassan q35-Slandering the Salafi Ulemaa and accusing them with being Hadaadee and spies q36-Giving precidence to the genral appraise over the detailed disparagement q37-During the occurance of differing between Ahlus-Sunnah, seek judgement from the state and the religious courts, for it is the father and mother of everything q38-Removing the Salafi Masjids from their hands just as Abul-Hassan the Hizbee did q39-Attending the Masjids of Ahlul-Bidah and the Hizbees and increasing their numbers q40-The Television is a blessing from Allah q41-Saying that the Sifaatul-Filiyyah of Allah [1] came about after not existing prior to that q42-The statement that Allah is with us in his essence q43-The statement that Allah encompasses us from all directions, even from bellow, and his encompassing is with his essence q44-The permissibility of Indonesian charity organisations, as for the Yemeni ones then they are of two types, Salafi ones and Hizbee ones q45-Slandering and severe deterrence from the fortress of the Sunnah, Dammaj, and cutting of the paths towards it q46-You can not appear on television except with the following conditions.....1 q47-It is not permissible to busy ourselves with declairing one another to be sinners, Kuffar or innovators q48-For verily the brother, the Shaykh, Saalih Al-Bakree, with us he is considered to be from the Ulemaa of the Sunnah, and from their Mashaayikh, and i see that knowledge should be sought from him q49-If An Aalim mentions a statement, and he was correct, then he is not in need of help from a student or anyone from the general folk q50-and from the advice to the Ummah...then if it is said to you Oh you cow then you are a cow, for a cow might be better than you in tranquility, butting with its horns, who is it butting their horns into the Ulemaa? Do you not feel shame? Do you not feel shy for yourself....1 And there is much, much more, all of this is only the tip of the iceberg Compiled by the brotherAbu Abdur-Rahmaan Saalih Bin Abdul-Qaadir As-Sadee q[1]Sifaatul-Filiyyah are those sifaat of Allah that are conected to His will, if he wants He does it and if He wants He doesnt like Istiwaa (Rising) , Nuzool (Descending) Gadhab (Anger) Dhahk (Laughing), in opposed to Dhaatiyyah which he is constantly characterised with like All hearing All seeing, Being High, having a face and hands ect. Posted by Abul-Layth
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 12:48:18 +0000

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