This is a growing problem not just in prisons but in the wider - TopicsExpress


This is a growing problem not just in prisons but in the wider community, were vulnerable people often with no familys or with mental problems are ether pressured or brainwashed into converting to Islam and then radicalised. While at the same time we have Muslim gangs patrolling areas in a number of our Cities imposing Sharia law on the local population. Only this week there are reports of a white lad aged 19 (Jordan Horner, ) from Tower Hamlets awaiting sentence on charges of GBH after walking around Tower Hamlets berating non-Muslims as a Member of a Muslim Patrol shouting kill the non-believers and threatened to stab people who drank beer Horner pleads guilty to ABH after getting into a fistfight with a passer-by He was previously jailed after telling photographers at Anjem Choudarys house that they would end up like Lee Rigby. This is a situation that can not be allowed to continue. Our Government must stop burying their heads in the sand and start to do something about it instead of constantly telling us how good Immigration has been for this Country. Free speech is fine and I would hate to see an end to it (after all our forefathers have fought wars to protect this essential right) and free speech allows me to do the very thing I am doing right now. There is a also a famous quote that politicians like to come out with, it is a very powerful quote and one that in principle I very much agree with because as I have said many people have died to defend this very principle. The quote is by a lady named Evelyn Beatrice Hall who In her biography on Voltaire wrote I do not agree with what you have to say, but Ill defend to the death your right to say it. But there is a very big difference between free speech were people are allowed to express their views however vile those views may be and their opponents are allowed to argue back against thoughts views without fear of intimidation, and views that are forced on people with fear of violence and intimidation. There is a line in the sand that no man must be allowed to cross and I am afraid that line was crossed a long time ago and reasoned argument is in retreat. There must be a counter attack (figuratively speaking) !!!RIGHT AWAY !! the people of the United Kingdom must make their government aware that they will not allow their country to be stolen from them by a fifth column of religious zealots or have their children brainwashed and radicalised by an army that did not invade and defeat them but were invited in and given homes and benefits, just to turn on their hosts like a rabid dog infecting the very people who held out the hand of friendship and attempting to turn them in to nothing less than a bunch of mindless zombies regurgitating their mantra of hatred and violence. Maybe you agree with me, maybe you dont. Maybe you think this is just a bunch of paranoid crap coming from a died in the wool racist ! you would be completely wrong but you, like me are very entitled to your own opinion and as the man said I would die for your right to say it however the fact remains that the lunatics are taking over the asylum and If the nurses do not regain control of the Hospital then they may as well just close the Hospital down before the infection spreads to the outside world !!!!! And now to something completely different !!!! Did you know there is only 65 days, 10 hours, 44 minuets and 30 sec left to xmas ?
Posted on: Sun, 20 Oct 2013 12:18:11 +0000

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