This is a new all time low for liberal nut job gun grabbers, - TopicsExpress


This is a new all time low for liberal nut job gun grabbers, encouraging kids to STEAL their parents guns. 1- It is a felony to steal a firearm and 2- The person encouraging it should be charged with conspiracy (an agreement between two or more people to commit a crime). Liberals have our education system so poisoned as it is that a kid gets more indoctrination than education, and they teach kids to believe they are smarter or more enlightened than their parents. The PSA video above shows a young teen dramatically rifling through his parents’ drawer, only to take out a handgun and put it in his backpack, all while his mother is downstairs reading. The next day, he brings the gun to school, sits through class, and places it on a startled teacher’s desk before asking, “Can you take this away? I don’t feel safe with a gun in my house.” This is independent director Rejina Sincic’s idea of how to end gun violence and keep children safe. The message at the end reads, “Our children deserve a safe world. Stop gun violence now.” Hardly the connection most people would make with a student bringing a weapon to school… not to mention a terrible and dangerous example for the children who could hurt themselves or become involved in a law enforcement situation. Too dangerous to have in the home but not to dangerous for a kid to pack around? Do you people even have a brain? https://youtube/watch?v=VFOhBAH3zPA
Posted on: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 22:18:45 +0000

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