This is a philosophical rambling on my part, just to clear my mind - TopicsExpress


This is a philosophical rambling on my part, just to clear my mind tonight. Physicians, probably more than any other profession, understand that death is a natural part of this life journey we are on. We also realize, as do others, that death is very seldom a welcome visitor and yet, will visit all of us at some point. My faith in Jesus teaches me also that God has ordained the number of our days, He stands outside of our time domain and sees the end from the beginning and therefore knows, before we are ever born, how many days we will walk this earth. The past few days has reminded me of all this again. Ive posted before that every physician has a cemetery in their mind of patients that have had that visit and have passed on to eternity. Some had lived a long and joyful life, some short and difficult. Some pass at an expected time and others pass unexpectedly, and always, the good physician will look back and wonder, What if.... Yet, death visits when we are prepared and when we arent, when we have done everything we can to delay him and at times before weve even realized he was knocking on the door. I attended a memorial service today of a man that death visited and took home totally unexpectedly this week and received word tonight that death will visit again, one that has been preparing for his visit. Both are still viewed as too soon yet God knows the day and the hour. Our job is to be prepared for eternity and to help others prepare for their journey there. Anyway, if you are my family, loved one or friend, I ask you that you look at your mortality and ask yourself if you are prepared for eternity. You may think you are too sophisticated or too young or too.....whatever to have to worry about it. I ask you to revisit it today, tonight and not to delay. Eternity is a lot longer than anything we have had here and I want to spend it with everyone I call my friend.
Posted on: Sun, 30 Mar 2014 01:57:54 +0000

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