This is a post I made on a yahoo list about going dairy free. - TopicsExpress


This is a post I made on a yahoo list about going dairy free. Eliminate dairy for a week and see if it makes a difference for your kiddo. Dont think you have to do it forever. Just try it for a week and then give your child a glass of milk and see what happens. Here is an excerpt from my book I Know Youre In There- winning our war against autism that explains how we learned dairy greatly affected my son. One afternoon, after an unproductive week of searching for Ryans miracle cure, I came across an article about the Autism Research Institute (ARI) in San Diego, California. I contacted them and they sent me an information packet that caused me to question everything I already knew about autism. When I called ARI for clarification, the telephone was answered by Dr. Bernard Rimland, himself. He was the founder of ARI. I didnt know who he was, so I wasnt overly impressed by his name. I should have been. After leaving the board of the Autism Society of America, Dr. Rimland founded ARI and became its executive director. He was also a card-carrying member of the A-Club. His grown son, Mark, had autism. Dr. Rimland knew autism was a medical condition. He was an expert and had extensive knowledge of every autism treatment available, proven and unproven. Dr. Rimland and I had an immediate connection, the kind that comes from fighting the same enemy and the same war. We both understood the loss of hope for our childrens future and my need to do something, anything. Despite being an expert on medical interventions for autism, Dr. Rimland didnt suggest blood tests or MRIs or anything else I associated with traditional medicine. He asked if Ryan drank milk and consumed much dairy in other foods. I answered, Only from the time he wakes up until he goes to sleep. He suggested I take Ryan off milk products for a week and then give him a glass of milk and see what happened. I had no idea if this man knew what he was talking about, but he was kind, and I was desperate. I was not convinced eliminating dairy from Ryans diet would change anything. What could a cow possibly have to do with curing autism? I never did give Ryan that glass of milk the following week. The change in Ryans behavior was astounding. He was more tuned-in and more responsive. His weird noises, screaming, biting and pinching lessened in frequency and intensity. The first significant step toward Ryans medical recovery I owed not to doctors with impeccable credentials and beautifully appointed waiting rooms, but to a quiet under-funded researcher with peculiar theories about cows. Life without milk was definitely unconventional. Hadnt we all been told milk is essential for proper child development? I had never really been concerned about nutrition before. I was the kind of mom who gave her kids Fun Fruits for breakfast. Our favorite foods, and almost everything we ate, were prepackaged and contained dairy. We ordered pizza at least once a week and loved eating out. I was a junk food addict and Frank was no health nut, either. Hope this was helpful, Marcia Hinds Ryans mom and author of the book I Know Youre In There, Winning Our War Against Autism
Posted on: Thu, 30 Oct 2014 11:58:40 +0000

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