This is a post filled with something that absolutely needs to be - TopicsExpress


This is a post filled with something that absolutely needs to be said: Michael Brown, an African-American aged 18, was killed by a Police Officer after being shot 10 times following a struggle in which the DAs office says Brown attempted to grab the gun off of the officer. Brown was unarmed. The officer who shot him happened to be Caucasian (or Anglo-European. Some of you will understand this reference). The officer has been placed on paid administrative leave and has been described as troubled. As a culture, we like to claim that the establishment of racism continues to weaken day by day. Many even claim that this very establishment no longer exists, and that the privilege walls fall. Instances such as these defend the argument that in fact, racism continues to thrive within our nation. The nation of the free? What is freedom when a young unarmed man gets shot 10 times? Even if the reports claiming that he went for the police officers gun are true, this does not defend the repeated shooting of Brown. Many people refuse to admit that had the races of the officer and Brown been reversed, the following would title articles about the incident. Lunatic cop brutally slaughters college-bound teenager not killing of a black Missouri man draws criticism. I honestly can only IMAGINE why shooting an unarmed man 10 times would draw criticism. Yet the cop who slaughtered Michael continues to walk on the streets, with a pay stub in his pocket. He is not behind bars, and has not been arrested for shooting Michael. Even if Michael went for the gun, would it really take 10 shots to take him down? 10 shots is enough to take down the Hulk, let alone an unarmed teenager. Institutionalized racism is alive and well in our society. But the way we, as a minority community, react to this is extremely important. We can act in a hateful way, jest at the predicament, detest the white power. We can give the racist community exactly what they like to see-hateful and spiteful minorities attacking the white community. Or we can do something else. We can band together like a shield. We can truly exemplify the meaning of community. We can move to make CHANGE, not move to make Hate. Hate only creates conflict. We have to learn to love each other, even if we dont like one another. This murder will strengthen the walls between races, but we cannot let that happen. We are all brothers and sisters of the human race, regardless of the pigment of our skin. Isnt it time that we all started acting like it?
Posted on: Mon, 11 Aug 2014 03:31:47 +0000

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