This is a reposting of a post I agree with. I AM - TopicsExpress


This is a reposting of a post I agree with. I AM SICK..... and tired of hearing about them. Every nation is in great turmoil and danger of losing their heritages because of this radical cult. Our nation has gone from talking about beautiful roses, job promotions, new businesses, beautiful sermons, school carnivals, class field trips, excitement about the birth of a grandchild, volunteer programs to a nation that wastes it time every moment of the day talking about sharia, islam, muslims, terrorists, beheadings, rape, stoning, murder, child brides, pedophiles, the koran, phony racism, riots, hatred of our veterans, hatred of our flag, hatred of our constitution, hatred and breaking of our laws by this illegal unconstitutional foreign federal govt now operating in our nation illegally, including illegal UN authority. Do we really want our nation to be a nation of extreme turmoil daily, worn torn streets and living like the savages do in the Middle East. It is time to restore the greatest nation to ever exist the United States of America. We were a peaceful, kind, loving, giving, productive nation until we gave the devil a foothold in our nation. Americans - choose life! Americans - choose liberty! Americans - choose freedom! Americans - choose the restoration of our constitution and sovereignty! Americans -choose to honor our heritage, history, founding fathers and founding principles! Americans - choose PEACE! Americans - choose to honor OUR GOD! Americans - CHOOSE exceptionalism! Americans - choose pride of country and our veterans! AMERICANS - CHOOSE LIFE! As an American Im honestly sick and tired of hearing about Muslims, Islam, the Koran, sharia, burkas, beheadings, banning bacon, banning guns, banning pastors, banning food from our children (they have the right to eat whatever they want) in my homeland. Our country has been in turmoil since 9/11. Why? Because Muslims have no place in our country period. Im tired of hearing about them. Their heritage has no place in my homeland. It is time to restore our heritage, jobs, industry and patriotism. It is time to show honor to OUR GOD, OUR MILITARY, OUR HERITAGE and it doesnt include Islam and Muslims. No this is not a Muslim nation period. This is our homeland. We have not had one moment of peace and quiet since this radical tribe arrived neither has any other nation. My dad did not fight for the Islamic way of life period. Every nation they enter is in turmoil, fighting, having their heritage and ancient landmarks removed, their way of lives challenged. The problem is that they have no right to say or demand anything in any country. It is time to Send them all back to Saudi Arabia. We can love them there, but no country will ever have any peace with this cult in their nation. They only Come to dominate and destroy and take what we and our founders built. The United States is the greatest civilized nation to EVER exist. Muslims and Islam will take this nation back to the prehistoric ages. It is time to pack their bags now. Look at their heritage, they have lived like scavengers their whole existence. Do we really want our country to look like the Middle East, uncivilized and war torn and barbaric. Hello. Really Americans we are going to allow this and settle with what this illegal foreign radical unconstitutional terrorist syndicate is doing in OUR nation. We owe our founders and soldiers more than this. Their deaths, fighting to preserve our heritage must not be in vain. It is time to honor this nation, our heritage and kick the traitors and enemies out. I honestly dont care if I ever hear words tied to Muslims ever again. After 9/11 and their barbaric ways we shouldnt waste our energy or time on this radical cult. They deserve nothing from This great nation. Absolutely nothing. Tell them to get the hell Out of our country.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 19:43:01 +0000

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