This is a sample of my working/living week just gone, and a little - TopicsExpress


This is a sample of my working/living week just gone, and a little bit how I feel about Work and Life… Sat *In Stockholm teaching “Biodanza” in morning *In afternoon in “Love~Peace Parade” with about 2000 other and with my 6 year old son *In evening at “Bliss Conscious Clubbing”, which I created Sun *Fly into London, take my son to see his Brothers, eat at “Love Hut” Vegan restaurant in Edgware and return Home to my tiny cottage in a village in Somerset. Mon *Up early to feed my son and take him up the road to school. (and everyday) *Had some acupuncture to rebalance and revitalize, began Jason Vales “5lbs in 5 days” app juice cleanse *Gather advertising for next “Bliss Conscious Clubbing” in Sweden on 14th June Tue *Had skype call with my business partner in Angsbacka Spiritual community in Sweden to confirm “Bliss Festival” on 18th – 21st September *Entered my garden for some transformational clearing Wed *Set up “The Cauldron Conscious Clubbing” in Manchester with my business partner *Started taking some Chinese herbs to harmonize and collodial silver Thu *Close to finding venues for 2 huge London Dance projects and my “Rites of Love Festival” from 28th – 31st Aug in UK *Played rounders at an event at my son’s village school, scored 2 home runs!, and he got me out too! *Advert is launched for “The Cauldron” in Manchester or 28th June, starting to build a database, and launched a Group page “The Cauldron Conscious Clubbing Manchester” Fri *Advertising “Bliss Conscious Clubbing” in Sweden for 14th June and in Norway on 4th July *Into garden to sort out the lawn *Discussing date for “Rites of Love Retreat” in Tuscany in Oct I don’t operate on a 9-5, I act as and when I feel to. I follow what needs and feels to be done. I make sure I am generating energy and focus into the projects that are current, keeping them alive through conversations, taking steps every day to inspire and ignite them. I keep myself embodied with some simple exercise, drinking lots of water, this Juice cleanse is amazing. I connect with people who uplift me. I’ve been writing posts on fb as they pour out of me. I feel linked in with Life, like I am participating the way I am designed to, serving the Flow and checking that I, my son and those around me are also in good shape. A friend recently said to me “Guy you deserve the fruits of your transmissions”… this seems to be the vibrational law, the energy we put out we get back, often multiplied. Our Loving attracts Love, we become magnetic for the things we focus on. My Work is not something separate from me, not something I do and leave at the office, it is an extension of who I am, how I express is my Work. And inside of this I do my best to take care of my health so I am in balance. I love the acupuncture I receive weekly, the massages, the herbs and juices I drink, and the good clean Vegan food I ingest. I read a little, and what I read are inspirational texts. Everything is in congruence, lined up and integrated. And, inside of all of this my unconscious patterning rises up, my conditioning, moments of stress, frustration, wishing things were otherwise, all of this still occurs, AND I deliberately accept I am The Creator of my experience and take ownership of what is mine and give back, or let go, what is not. It seems that the things that no longer match who I am just fall away, there is no magnetism to hold them any more. What I am Being resonates into the space and is attracting back miracles back to me! I am feeling excited in my Life, for all the project and people around and for my Existence. I feel content deep in mySelf and really happy with the new connections I am making and opening into. I can honestly say that this week I am fully loving Life and have served with Her to the best of my ability, and She reflects back to me with a smile on Her face! I feel Blessed in This River of Grace called Existence…….
Posted on: Fri, 23 May 2014 08:51:04 +0000

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