This is a story bye: KATIE YOUNG! ( Katie young also has a page - TopicsExpress


This is a story bye: KATIE YOUNG! ( Katie young also has a page called one direction era ROCK! 1D STORY////Part 1 *You are 32 and Zayn is 35. He is your husband and the father of your twins, but step father to Eliza, your 15 year old from another relation ship with Louis.* *16 years ago* Zayn: Now I would like to invite someone up here that, I didnt, get her full name. Zayn looked straight at me dead in the eye with his hand out for encouragement. I was being watched. If I did take his hand, the whole entire kingdom of Directioners would hate me, and if I didnt, I would regret it my whole life. Now the spotlight was on me. I was looking around for my best friend and she told me I should. I took his hand. Worst mistake ever! All I heard were ,BOO! YOU STINK! HE DOES NOT NEED YOU! I froze, but then, a few words changed my life. Zayn: Do not hate her because you are not her at this moment! Those few miunets I had with her I may never get again because of you. I thought you were Directioners! I was compleaty shocked as he pulled me in for a kiss! Oh No! My boyfriend, Louis, was right there and he knew I was pregnent with him and he did not want a different dad for his child. If there was a different dad, he said he would kill that person. He was smiling until Zayn kissed me. I ran off stage and never saw Zayn again. *9 months later* Me: Just breath y/n! just breath. Louis: You will be fine love. I am right here and I wont let our child be harmed. Thats what he said to me before all the drama happened. Eliza was finally born and she was a happy, healthy baby. But now, our daughter, Eliza Michelle Tomlinson, was now apart of a huge fight. Louis: Come on Babbbbbbe! Me: LOUIS! YOU ARE DRUNK! YOU CHEATED ON ME! hOW COULD YOU? DO NOT EVEN SAY YOU DONT KNOW WHAT I MEAN! I SAW YOU WITH THAT OTHER WOMAN! WE ARE DONE AND YOU WILL NEVER SEE ELIZA AGAIN! I stormed off with Eliza in my arm and my bags in my other. Louis grabbed me by the arm that held Eliza and he made me drop her! I was so mad, but after that he slapped me and kicked Eliza. I called 911 As I got in the car. A few muinets later we were in the hospital and Louis was in Jail. My story was all over the news. The person I least expected, showed up at the hospital looking for me. Me: What are you do- Shhhh, he said. Me: Zayn! You, you came? Zayn: Ofcourse I came. Y/N, you cant raise a kid by yourself. I am here to help you. Me: Thank you Zayn. We will have to tell her you are not her father, just to be truthfull. Zayn: I already have it planed out. He gave me a passionate kiss and held my hand thru my healing. I was now so happy that he was here. I missed him so much. Now he knows I love him as much as he loves me. *Preasent time* Maci and Laci: MAMA! Me: yes my darlings? Laci: Where is papa? Me: Papa is at work honey. Maci: Are you sure? Me yes I am posit- ZAYN! WHAT THE HECK! I was laughing so hard because Zayn just jumped up from behind me and scared the crap out of me. Zayn: Hello, lovelys. Zayn gave the twins a kiss on the forehead and gave me a longer one on the lips. Maci: AWE! MAMA! PAPA! GET A ROOM! Zayn: Oh sweetie. He poked her nose and we left their room. Me: Zayn, it is time to tell Eliza the truth about her father. Zayn: I know, but shes 16! Why didnt we tell her before? Me: The time is right Zayn, I can feel it. Zayn: Ok, wish me luck! Zayn walked into Elizas room. She was listening to headphones and didnt hear him come in her room. *Zayn sits on bed* Eliza: Ahh! Oh my gosh! What was that for? Zayn: Nothing, I need to talk to you. You wont like what comes out. Eliza looked at Zayn with a worried yet confused look. Eliza: What do you mean dad? Zayn: Dont yell at me whan I tell you this. I am not your dad. We should have told you sooner, but your mom thought the time wasent right. Elizas face was growing with anger. Eliza: WHY DIDNT YOU TELL ME? WHO IS MY REAL DAD? WHY DID MOM LEAVE HIM FOR YOU!?!?!? Her yell mad me come in her room. Me: Honey, are you ok? Eliza: NO I AM NOT OK! TELL ME THE TRUTH! Zayn: So you know how I was in One Direction, well Louis is your father. When you were born your father was thrilled. A year later, everything turned upside down. Me: Your father was drunk and kissed another woman right in front of me. I yelled at him and told him I was leaving forever. You were in one arm and my bags were in my other. Well I was walking out, He grabbed my arm holding you and made me drop you. He then slapped me and he kicked you. Thats what you birth mark on your side is. Eliza looked down at her side and started crying. Zayn put an arm around her and she instently hugged him. Eliza: Thank you for the truth! I love you Dad! Zayn: DAD? Well, I love you too. but there is still more of the story. Your dad was put in jail. You and your mom were taken to the hospital. I never saw her again until that night where I asked her to marry me. You were so young and I claimed you as mine so you would have that father figure that you needed. Eliza froze. Her eyes filled with wonder and saddness. Eliza: When will he be out? Zayn: Tomorrow on your birthday. part 2 Eliza: WHAT?!?!?! HE CANT COME OUT! IF HE DOES, I WILL BE GONE AND YOU WILL BE DEAD! Zayn: We have been planning for this day. Me: Saddly enough, your dad put a chip in your neck and I could not find it. He may be tracking you down. Eliza was now sobbing again. I felt bad for my daughter, but there was nothing I could do. The next day, Me: Eliza, are you ready to meet your fath- Eliza: He is not my father. He is just Louis. Zayn and I looked shocked that she said that. I was proud of her for making the right choice. I was going to follow behind her every step of the way. *KNOCK! KNOCK! KNOCK!* Me: That may be him! I looked out and I saw him standing there about to yell. Louis: I KNOW YOURE IN THERE ELIZA! COME OUT AND SEE ME! YOU TOO Y/N, AND WHO EVER YOU ARE WITH! IF YOU DO NOT, I WILL BREAK IN! I was terrified. He had more muscles than ever, he was in for quite sometime. I thought to myself, should I go out and fight for my daughter, or stay and never see her again? Louis: I SAID, COME OUT N- He stopped when he heard the door creak open just a bit. Eliza stepped outside with me and Zayn right behind her. Eliza: Why do you want me back after what you did to me and my mother? Give me 1 good reason why I should come back to you and actually say I love you. Because right now, I hate you Louis! Louis: Baby girl, dont get mad. I want you back because I never said goodbye to you. I love you and I want you to come back because, you do not have that father figure you need. Eliza: Thats what you think. She motioned for Zayn to walk out and he stood behind her. I was so worried that a full on fight was going to occor. Insted, all that happened was yelling. Louis: SO YOU ARE THE A** MY WIFE WENT FOR! HOW COULD YOU ZAYN?! I AM GOING TO KILL YOU LIKE I PROMISED! Zayn: Louis, you dont need to ye- Louis: OH I DONT NOW DO I? WELL TELL THAT TO MY FIST! I jumped outside and was hit by Louis fist. Everything was black. No sound, no light, nothing. *One hour later* *Louis pov* I saw what I did to her and I was at her bedside with Zayn. I hit her prety hard. Her face was bleeding and a few teeth were gone. That punch was meant for Zayn! That moron stole my wife and I intend to get her back. When she wakes up, I will be the first to recapture her as mine! *Zayns pov* I knew Louis was ploting something, something bad. His eyes were focused on y/n. Every now and then, he would glance at me and smirk as if I was the one in the hospital bed. I know he wants her, but I want her more. I cant let my wife be taken by an abuser again! I have to stop him before he gets to the twins and Eliza................
Posted on: Mon, 21 Oct 2013 00:59:43 +0000

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