This is a story from Korea about a dog who was abused and had his - TopicsExpress


This is a story from Korea about a dog who was abused and had his eyes burned out in April 2013. It has inspired thousands of people, and I hope it inspires you too. This is Dasols (aka Benjamins) story: (Sorry for the graphic photo) The first picture was taken one year ago on the day that Benjamin (then Dasol) arrived at the Yangju shelter. His eyes had been severely burned, he had been horrifically abused and he was terrified. Very soon, he would have surgery to remove his eyes. Newly blind, confused and scared, he would sit in a cage for weeks, not knowing what would happen to him next. Shortly after that, the amazing people of ARK would band together to find a home for him. They would fund-raise, organize transportation and documentation, find an amazing foster home and courier and eventually fly Dasol to the other side of the world where he would find his forever family. Little did Dasol know, but on the day this picture was taken, his life was about to change forever. Benjamin had been treated like an object for his entire life. No one knew him or cared about him. His little body was in such bad shape, and the odds were so stacked against him that it would have been easier to walk away, put him to sleep and focus on easier cases. But we all know that is not how ARKers do it. ARK and the shelters we partner with do so much for companion animals in Korea. You regularly rescue animals from horrible conditions and send them around the world to new homes, all without any official fundraising efforts and quite often with a huge language and culture barrier. For ARK, this is normal and just what we do but take a moment to consider the gravity of your work. You are all incredible. Benjamins body and spirit are now healed. His coat is fluffy, long and shiny and he is 5 lbs. heavier. He is fearless and protective of his family yet incredibly gentle with other animals, no matter how small they are. He runs outside, can catch a toy in mid-air, knows lots of tricks (in 2 languages!) climbs on furniture (even though he is not supposed to ^^) and snuggles like no one else can. Thank you for all the work that each and every one of you do. Whether it is a trip to a shelter, a street rescue or a donation, what you do is part of something huge. I know it is an uphill battle and sometimes it feels like we are getting nothing done. But for every individual that you rescue, it is everything to them. I also speak from experience when I say that it is everything to the families that adopt, as well. You are all heroes! Benjamin literally owes his life to all of you and I cant thank you enough for bringing this blind little boy into my life. He has truly changed my world and you changed his.
Posted on: Tue, 01 Apr 2014 18:00:17 +0000

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