This is a teaser from the book Im writing now its called A Drug - TopicsExpress


This is a teaser from the book Im writing now its called A Drug Called Love. I hope Yall like it. Right as I started making my way back up the stairs I heard a faint groan. I stopped moving, I stopped breathing, listening to where the sound was coming from. I walked through the house and I didn’t see anyone. Again the groan sounded. It was coming from the living room. I held my bat out as I walked across the floor, the sound was coming from behind the couch. I stopped at the end of it and peaked over. There was a body lying behind it, I couldn’t see who it was because the head was cover in a hoodie. What I could see was throw up everywhere. There was so much it was starting to flow under the couch and it was all around the body. I switched the light on, and took the bat and moved the hood from the bodies head. And I saw the black hair that was styled to perfection when I saw him leave the house this morning. Now it was matted to the side and chunks of throw up were mixed into it. I was looking at the ghostly white face of my twin brother Johnny. The sounds he was making stopped as I turned him and the gurgling started. He started convulsing and his eyes rolled to the back of his head. My intake of breath hurt as I screamed at the top of my lungs, I no longer cared if I got vomit all over myself, I rushed and pulled Johnny’s limp head into my lap as foam started pouring from his mouth in abundance. My tears stung my eyes as they fell freely onto my brothers forehead. I screamed for my parents as terror washed over my body. I looked down at his face and blood was leaking out of his nose and onto my thigh. It seemed like it took my parents forever to get to where we were. My father was the first one to round the corner and find us. Right when he saw us his face paled and he rushed over to the phone as I continued to hold tight to my brother. My mother ran into the room and rushed to us, as my father was yelling into the receiver of the phone. My mother slipped and fell into the puddle of bile landing on her butt. She recovered as quickly as possible and pulled my brother and me to her. She checked his breathing and his heartbeat. When she choked on her sob I knew it wasn’t good. She started doing chest compressions and yelling at me to go get her a blanket and some towels. I shook my head and told her I didn’t want to leave him. She then yelled to my father that he wasn’t breathing and we needed to ambulance to hurry. There was nothing more I could do, so I sat there with my brother and rubbed his hair out of his face and prayed that they would get here on time, because in all honesty I didn’t know what I was going to do if I lost him. It was like I was losing him already. Something in me was fading when I heard my mothers terrified roar that my brother no longer had a heart beat. I was first to notice when the lights were flashing outside. I rushed to the door to let the paramedics in. They quickly made their way to Johnny. Putting him onto the gurney as the forced air into his lungs and continued chest compressions in the hopes my brothers heart would start beating again. When they took him they told us only one could ride with him, so my mother went without question. My father told her he was going to get everything they needed and be there. He hurried around the house as I sat on my knees looking out the door they just took my brother out of. This couldn’t be happening, I didn’t want this to be happening. My father dropped my shoes in front of me and told me to get up we had to leave. I never believed when people told me or asked about the twin bound. I was sure it was all a myth, never wanting to believe I had such a strong bound to someone other than myself. Sure my brother and I have always been close enough we are twins after all and share the same birthdays. But that’s all we shared my brother and I couldn’t be any more different if we wanted to. After tonight I won’t argue my point anymore, after tonight I know it’s real, because the pain I’m feeling in my chest started way before I found him on the floor. The pain in my chest hurt so bad it woke me. It slithered its way around my heart and squeezed until I was panting for breath. The air still was getting caught in my throat. I came to the conclusion if Johnny died, my heart was going to stop beating too. It only made since, the pain was making sure I knew, there was no hope for me in the end. Our bound was on the brink of being non-existent. The sad part was that I just found out we had one. My brother was going to take me down with him and all his bad habits.
Posted on: Mon, 12 Jan 2015 23:26:09 +0000

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