This is a tough prophetic word. Got it two days ago and am - TopicsExpress


This is a tough prophetic word. Got it two days ago and am sharing it now. It applies to whomever it applies... The Horse and Carriage The Word of the Lord to His People 1/20/2015 1:30 am Jim Pelletier You depend upon the horse and the carriage to take you where your feet cannot quickly go, says the Lord. You do it so often, that you fail to see the amazing feat this is. What a work and a blessing! I have given you vehicles to take you further and faster. You have asked for more and more, and I have given it. Yet, says the God of all creation, have you actually gone any farther? When you run from here to there, you experience no more of life that if you walked the same amount of time. You eat until you are full and eat more, but are you fulfilled in this? Do shinier things, rarer things, pleasant things, bring you to a better place? Says the Lord, seek Me for a passion and do not seek me to fulfill your passions. Seek me for a place that you belong in and I will give you the vehicle you need to get there. Let your hand be steady upon my plow and not so ready to grab a hold of a steering wheel. Some have left the tools of their calling far behind them, because they could no longer fit them in their carriage as they travel here and there to find what they want and to do discover their own heart. My yoke is easy and my burden is light until such a time that it gets in the way of what you want to do, where you want to go. Does your Heavenly Father lie to you now? Am I your Accuser, because I correct those I love. There is no room for Me in your pleasures, therefore your pleasures are idols, who compete with Me. Were I a husband and you my bride, my heart would be broken. Were I a Father and you my children, I would be in agony from your neglect. Were I a friend, we would be friends no longer, for you no longer take joy in my company. Ah, you say, “Lord, you are all these things to me! Do not curse me!” But fear not little one, I do not visit my people to curse them, but neither will I visit them to be cursed by them. I hear My holy name in the streets as a byword and a howl of discontent, when your ways are interrupted or you are inconvenienced and must stop to water your horse or fix a wheel on your carriage. Fully, I expect the heathen to blaspheme what they are dead and blind to, but it is not the expectation I hold of My people. Perhaps if My name were spoken in worship and given in prayer, I may come and listen and walk among you as of old. But then again, you do not walk anywhere anymore, you run and you fly and you rush along in in your carriages! Am I not fair in your eyes any longer? Or have I become an ornament for you? Either way, I am not a thing to gawk at, a memory, a decoration for a life no longer devoted to me. I am your God, your Lord, your Father. I took the wheels off the Egyptians chariots, because they sought to harm my people. I can remove them from your carriage, because you are harming yourselves. I can remove your wheels that I may speak again with you. We may yet run together in the fields of blessing and plenty. You may yet remember why I blessed you with that carriage and horse to begin with. Have you noticed yet the contrary winds blowing against you as your travel your familiar roads? Have you noticed the change in climate around you? If you were not so in a hurry, you might have noticed, you should have discerned Me, as in the days when you could only walk. You might have sought shelter, but now you rush even faster thinking you can outrun the wind. My dear little one, you cannot outrun Me. Do not be so quick to call something an enemy, until you are sure that you have not become your own worst enemy. Perhaps what you see as adversity is My good hand preventing you from driving your carriage off the cliff. Isnt that possible? So what shall you do with what I have given you? What is the appropriate response? Begin with parking your carriage for a moment and bowing before Me. You will not be late for My will, though you may miss the thing you planned. It would be better for you to find Me now... to reacquaint yourself with your God, while it is still day. Yes, the night is coming. The darkness of the storm of the ages is at hand. The only light for you will come from the lamp you have trimmed and filled with the oil of My anointing. The only place to find that oil is in My presence, right now. Come to me all you who labor at what I have not given you and bear the burdens I have not placed upon you. I will give you rest, if you will have it. I will give you wisdom if you would learn from Me. This is the Word of the Lord, and the wise man will hear it and be all the wiser, says your Father in Heaven. My children that have not forsaken eternal life, shall come back to Me in the light. Come now. I love you still, says the Lord.
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 22:18:48 +0000

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