This is a *twice-rejected* design for a 22nd century Klingon D4 - TopicsExpress


This is a *twice-rejected* design for a 22nd century Klingon D4 Battlecruiser (though in Star Trek Into Darkness the D4 was a small Bird of Prey*) - It was originall designed by John Eves for Star Trek: Enterprise as a 22nd century ship - but rejected by Berman and Braga for not having enough windows - so, get this, they used as 23rd century Romulan CGI model of the *updated* Klingon ships for Star Trek The Motion Picture and re-use (like a lot of other models and shots, because of a MUCH smaller budget) in The Wrath of Khan -- and this design was REJETED AGAIN by JJ Abrams for the Klingon ship design used in the 2009 Star Trek reboot! But I like it. (And I usually find John Eaves designs to be generally too boxy, angular, and busy...and not smooth enough. (The designer of the original Enterprise for the Original series didnt add a lot of detain *on purpose8, ecsuse he felt that by the 23rd century a lot of technology would be hidden...and visible only when needed (and perhaps he predicted later more smart material ships (we are begining to create *now* with new airplane and space-craft designs, nanotech infused ships, and even organic, living ships - where if you need a door or window or even passageway, it just appreared or was constructed or *grew* in place when needed, like the semi-living, semi-organic tech, starship, Null Boundry from Linda Nagatas excellent Deception Well and Vast and a novel to come, she told me recently - in which airlocks and transport tubes and even rooms appeared where and when needed...and re-absored when not....and the entire ship - engine and all - could be re-grown in new shapes Or, well, The Doctors T.A.R.D.I.S from Doctor Who. Also, even the Federation in Voyager was not only experimenting with partially biological ships - such as with Voyagers Bio-Neural Gel-Packs - but with ship like the Prometheus which was basically a flying holodeck - at least inside (and holodecks use transporters and replicators in addition to force-field and light holograms) - so could be infinitely re-configurable - and *reparable* - inside. Not to mention *self-heal* - organically, or through the use of replicators and transporters and hologramps. And where you didnt need very many static, solid, projecting parts - just enough as a back-up in case of power failure, I guess. And now it appears rejected again by the semi-professional uber-fan film Star Trek: Anaxar - where it would have fit GREAT in the pre-TOS Battle of Anaxar. (I am not sure if the Anaxar folks went with an entirely NEW design, or used the Klingon ship design from Star Trek 09...we never saw them up close in the Kobiashi Maru simulation. But I think it was a mistake - I LOVE THIS DESIGN, and it fits GREAT, look ans design wise, with the 3 other new Klingon ships that we eventurally saw in Star Trek: Enterprise - one was called a Raptor Class, another D5, the other was an 22nd century Bird of Prey design (which I dislike as a *Klingon* ship, instead of a Romulan one, see bellow for why) - oh, and there were some cargo transports as well. *(I still hate how Enterprise and now JJ decided to make the Klingon Bird of Prey a purely Klingon ship with a long design lineage - because when it was originally designed for Star Trek III: The Search for Spock - it was *originally* designed as a *ROMULAN* ship (since Romulans were gonna be the original enemy - its why we have a Kligon Neutral Zone - but the BoP *is* a Romulan ship, from to coloring - Romulan Green - to the Bird Motiff (Klingons up until then - ignoring Enterprise - painted their ships with Birds of Prey - and most of them a *winged* and even beaked like birds, and have bird heads and *feathers* - as does the Klingon Bird of Prey - and of coure the name, Bird of Prey (Klingns *mabe* used the term Warbird sometimes - though that might have been added *after* the BoPs intro - and *Romulans* used the term Warbird *too*) - to the ROMULAN CLOAKING DEVICE. And *conpare* it to all other Romulan designs - the Romulan ship with the Bird of Prey painted on in in TOS, but especially the TNG Romulan Ships from the Birdlike Romulan Dderidex-class in the series (which if you look close has a *beak* and *eyes*) to the *even more* bird-like Romulan Valdore-type in Star Trek: Nemesis, with huge wings, long birdlike neck and a *birds head*. All Trek 3 changed ws the race piloting it - and that is/could have been EASILY EXPLAINED, because for a *while* the Romulans and Klingons TRADED SHIP DESIGNS - in one original Star Trek episode this is established when Spock notes it when we see Romulans in 3 Klingon-style D-7 Battleships.So its very possible that the Klingons also traded those for some Romulan designs - and the cloaking technology! THEN some major betrayl happened - probably on the part of the scheming Romulans, that by TNGs tme make the Klingons *hate* teh ROmulans - and vise-verse - and fell that they *had no honor* - perhaps this was the Khitomher sneak attack that killed Worfs biological parents and finally cemented the Klingon-Federation Alliance (in early TNG the Klingons were even said to have Joined the Federation) that was started in Star Trek: The Undiscovered country (was that made *after* the episode Yesterdys Enterprise, but kinda ignored it - though, the original Yesterdays Enterprise *was* supposed to be Picard meeting Kirks crew - so the two *culd have fit together, rther than contradict each other!) But long and short, the BoP shoudl of been a traded - or, as in the original script - *stolen* Romulan ship.
Posted on: Sat, 02 Aug 2014 04:01:14 +0000

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