This is a venting session to all my animal loving peeps who - TopicsExpress


This is a venting session to all my animal loving peeps who consider their pets, family. No one else will care...any advice would be appreicated from my dog experts like Barbara Corn...:) Chaco is still very ill. Vomited sunday morning...seemed fine the rest of the day...acted normal monday morning....he ate his breakfast...but more vomit monday afternoon...trip to the vet yesterday.He had no fever....they gave him fluids and a serenia shot, an xray, (found no obstructions) and sent me home with liquid famotadine. The runny poo started while still at the vets offfice...I was paying the bill and he went after we left the building...I chalked that one up to stress. I stayed home from work to help him today....hes got extremely watery poo....seems weak...not dehydrated that I can see...but just, not well. No energy. He ate some boiled chicken last night...and played a little, so I had high hopes...but I think that was the serenia shot he got at the vets office helping him feel a little better. Its wore off and hes misreable. He had runny poo episodes twice in the night...we heard him for 2 of them...this morning I didnt hear him appreantly and he went in the house...thankfully on the wood floor! He was shaking, like he was cold....and looks very weak and sad. I havent seen him drink any water in over 24 hours. I cant get a sample of poo since its like water... Vet said as long as no vomiting that he should be ok....but I dont know....this kind of watery poo cant be good. They said it was probably just the stress of the vet visit and the meds given that caused it...but he still has it even this morning....he didnt have THAT much to eat yesterday....but it all came out as runny...they told me to try again in a few hours to feed him and see what happens. :( If hes to be on an antibiotic...I want it started asap....But at what point does one think....ok.....this isnt normal runny poo....????? That something else may be needed??? I have an anti diarea medicine that I bought at has Kaolin in it....I gave him a tiny bit this morning but no was only half the recc dose cuz he didnt seem happy to be taking it, I didnt want him to throw up. Ive heard if there is a bacteria thing going want them to get it out even if it means runny poo...if you put a cork in it....that its not good ..? Yesterday he would poo, then scoot his butt...then just sit there in the scooting position cause I think his poor bum was on fire and the cool grass felt good. :( I had his anal glands checked a couple weeks ago...I thought he may have had an issue but they said they were normal. I wish he would have somewhat of a solid poo so I can take something in to be checked for bateria....but its all brown water. :( I take him outside and he likes to sit out in the grass...but he keeps munching grass. I keep waiting for him to throw it up but nothing yet. hes not eating a ton. Its a wait and see kind of a day. :(
Posted on: Tue, 16 Sep 2014 16:02:15 +0000

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