This is an email that was sent to NSW OFFICE OF WATER, FISHERIES, - TopicsExpress


This is an email that was sent to NSW OFFICE OF WATER, FISHERIES, SEVERAL MEDIA SOURCES & various other government agencies including Jeremy Buckingham and was also sent to Slater & Gordon solicitors. (This email was not written by me) There is general concern with the people of Broken Hill in regard to future water supply. A vast number of locals believe there is not only mismanagement issues , but serious corruption at the base of The Menindee Lakes controversy . Murray -Darling Basin Authority handed management to N.S.W. Water Authority because of low levels. N.S.W. Water Authority has commissioned Tandou Cotton Farm to pump water into Copi Hollow . Broken Hill is considering a secondary water source from artesian basins to boost water supplies. Although there is a drought it does not explain the very low water levels at Menindee Lakes. Broken Hill and western district residents are sceptical about reports on water usage and evaporation. * Why isnt water being pumped to Lake Wetherell? This is where Broken Hill draws it water supply from. * Why pump to Copi Hollow when several reports from various departments including D.P.I.. N.S.W. Water Authority, (NSWIC) N.S.W Irrigators Council etc.. and several scientific studies ALL point to Copi Hollow as not being a feasible area for outlets due to flow rates causing poor water quality? Water at Copi Hollow can only flow into Menindee Lake which will flow into Lake Cawndilla then down to Lake Tandou ( Tandou Cotton Farm will benefit not Broken Hill residents) *Lake Victoria and other shallow lakes have almost 9% less evaporation. - are the readings incorrect/faulty or is the water going elsewhere? * Why are there NO reports for Lake Tandou *Broken Hill residents use approximately 10 gigs of water per annum . Tandau cotton farm uses 296 gigs per annum (almost 30 times more water)Storage at the Lakes is approximately 1760 giga litres * Why, when in drought has Tandou cotton farm has been granted additional rights to pump water from Lake Cawndilla ( part of Menindee Lakes) * Why is the Darling river height at Bourke 3 1/2 metres higher than Darling river height at Wilcannia? Which cotton and rice farms are taking that water? This is all relevant because all water authorities are due to be audited . Murray- Darling Basin Authoritys audit was due in Oct 2014. Where are those documents are what was the outcome? The use of artesian waters is controversial . There are very high salt levels in the artesian basin of the western district (12- 14 parts per million) If used raw it causes corrosion to domestic appliances ( hot water heaters/ air conditioners /washing machines etc. etc..) It also damages clothing . Bathing in and regular contact with bore water can cause serious health concerns for some people. The people of Broken Hill have had previous experience with this issue . The local indigenous people (Menindee Lakes is the traditional home of the Barkindji people ) are not happy about drilling around the Menindee Lakes - artefacts have been discovered in drill locations. * If forced to use bore water will Broken Hill householders be compensated for damaged to white goods and clothing etc.? *What safe guards are there for the protection of indigenous heritage? There are huge environmental issues with The Menindee Lakes. Vast areas have been closed off to the public and to professional hunters and commercial fishermen.( Professional and commercial hunters and fishermen usually have rights to enter in areas normally closed to the public- they pay huge licence fees) * Firstly ,where is the environmental impact study? And when was it handed to the minister? And who prepared the scientific data? * Why have professional hunters been denied access to areas where culling of animals would be more humane than starvation? * Why deny commercial fishermen to catch fish in these areas before fish perish? *Why has the electrocuting of the water at Lake Menindee been permitted by the D.P.I (to reduce crap numbers) - THIS also kills other fish including rare species. While, international environmental laws may or may not have been broken, there are serious concerns - arrogant mishandling of the Menindee Lakes by a large number of departments and Authorities. It is obvious all these various government departments and authorities are in breach of the Australian constitution section 100 The Commonwealth shall not, by any law or regulation of trade or commerce, abridge the right of a State or of the residents therein to the reasonable use of the waters of rivers for conservation or irrigation Each state 106. The Constitution of each State of the Commonwealth shall, subject to this Constitution, continue as at the establishment of the Commonwealth, or as at the admission or establishment of the State, as the case may be, until altered in accordance with the Constitution of the State. The Federal government needs to revoke the states powers on water allocations these are not simple irrigation allocations -cotton and rice farming is BIG business commerce This type of farming should be banned in this arid country *NOTE Sussan Ley member for Farrer comment to Barrier Daily Truth stop this hysterical commentary Would she be hysterical if she had NO water for her rice farm? As a rice farmer Sussan Ley should not be commenting about water supply (some may view this as a conflict of interest.) .D.P.I (fisheries) has NO right to lock anybody out of the water ways abridge the right of a State or of the residents therein to the reasonable use of the waters of rivers for conservation or irrigation There are countless government blunders in regard to the whole nations water supply- Broken Hills current problems highlight how this mismanagement can effect town and major city. The only solution would be either a Royal Commission or for the people to take the Federal government to the high court.
Posted on: Sat, 08 Nov 2014 11:29:17 +0000

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