This is another medicine that we had working but obama s - TopicsExpress


This is another medicine that we had working but obama s stupid scientists said it wasnt ok all must b given back So the safest way to kill me was an airstrike or sth like military attack and thats what they did cluster bombs snipers bullets high officials near my house to make surre i ll b dead 10days they never succeeded they forgot that the building was all ours they were targeting the floor where they thought we were there we went to the lower floor during the attacks hours and go back in the night when soldiers go to sleep 10days with no electricity in the cold no phones no food no much water real days of hell he was all ready attacking homs with not much electricity or phones at all obama and his military officials were waiting but they never managed that my brother helped us leave that hell to aunt s house thats why obama wanted to punish him because he managed to call these stupid soldiers to allow us leave the area obama wanted us to stay there so he can kill us all and rest it never happened god protected to destroy that pastard it was so clear their aiming at that floor only thats when i knew they wanted us dead not a regular attack against militas there was nothing for them to attack they were targeting people and buildings even inside the building we were warned by a friend that they were targeting the higher floors that meant that friend knew from the army what was going on and what was the entire purpose of that opperation so even here i got people to help and survive the entire point of this that obama s army officials who r still in power who planed to kill me once r still there and still attacking they were the ones who told assad to use barrel bombs in aleppo specially in aleppo and the north whats with them to destroy anything related to people teased them so horribly homs and aleppo were so horribly destroyed it turned that the only reason why obama and murdoch wanted to erase sth called homs and aleppo off the map was to erase me and the american syrian people who r still looking at syria s horor tale not forgoting his sudaness origins as well in america u find everything mixed from everywhere thats why they never forgot about sudan since that chasez s father had sudan roots as well and the barrel bombs were never saved there as well revenging his family s origins and the little they knew about me was used as well thats why i demand the congress to immediately arrest these officials for mass killings and abuse of power and insisting to kill me chasez as well with the killings of all of the other people who paid the price for this entire obama s dirt because im filing cases against them all immediately demanding for their execution as well obama iran israel wanted to control the huge gas and oil reserves that were found underneath homs its not urs wont b urs not now not later so congress must start investigating the barrel bombs advices and the syrian war room in the u.s. Army thats the reason why syria is so destroyed because of them all they did here like what they did in iraq saving the kurdish areas only and destroying the remaining areas its their strategy here in iraq and the poor sudan as well a tyrant with his barrels attacking innocent people a leader working for israel like the one here whom must b stoped looking at who obama was and why an african american president with an african father and american mother wasnt for obama himself it was celebrating the americans who had african fathers and american mothers who did sth good for america to put and end to its old dirt tyrants lets say knowing me and that person was chasez thats why america had an african american father so enjoy it obama they choosed u to celebrate some one totally different than who u r but had sth in common with u ! And it was the worset choice ever so now the congress must get rid of the senators and the congress people who r working with these corrupted judges and the corrupted local authorities all of it must b out in prisons they thought obama will free them of murdoch he fully handed them to him and our mission is to take it all back try the syrian american president next time but it must b away from assad s family or the corrupted dirt now by the way i want all of the missiles that i ordered for the syria attack last summer which i already paid for the satellites searching projects which detected el selvador pre Hispanic skeletons all must b given back the chilean mine explosion was done by obama and there r evidences to all of that congress must see it all its not done by me it was done in my property to steal it later
Posted on: Sun, 06 Jul 2014 05:24:39 +0000

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