This is being a realist . While the shit is hitting the fan , for - TopicsExpress


This is being a realist . While the shit is hitting the fan , for those of you asleep yes it is hitting the fan . Anyways while the process continues , there will come a time when the government stops being nice . For those of you who are gun hole and ready to fight when they come knocking down your door ! It will not be the gov , it will be ppl you know humans you see every day who are directed to do their job . Your local police , your neighbor , your brothers and sisters that they will put you against . Because in order for us to maintain our way of life you must do for your family what you have been breed and forced to do being a slave for money . When martial law takes affect your own brothers and sister of the arm forces , not all some will be awake to the control system . Anyways theyll be forced to put you away , so that they can maintain their house hold while destroying yours , ours and way of life as you know it . So while your ready for the gov to take your guns , youll actually be ready to shot a father a brother a mother , your neighbor someone . That kid who was sent off to war , the police officer highly decorated will be coming to force you to throw your everything away . Look at the humans you work with , if there sheep to the system no bible will stop them from doing as there told for that next paycheck ! My advice be ready to die peacefully , because talk is talk . When you have your gun pointed at a fellow human being whom youve work with for or had some sort of association , could you or would you be willing to shot . We are all struggling , but as you look at them and they look at you . Will you not see that they , you and I sisters and brothers fathers an mothers once went to the movies played at birthday parties , watch them get married , not see that we all are life we all are the power ? Im not afraid , yes death scares me but they cant kill us all who would serve them .! I will take nothing to my grave for I would love to give the human race all I have so I can be liberated and die in peace . Love you all My point is love of life not love of money . The amount of money produced out weighs its true worth , sorta speak your in an imagery debt . You are fooled to think your free ! Try to quit your job and not have an id or any money on you . Society will chew you so hard and spit you out and call you everything under the sun and kill you so slowly youll beg for a mcds job and thank The Lord for them . Whenever you clock in tomorrow reminder the customer is always right , because how may I serve you would mean your a servant and not even making enough to support your house hold . But what can you do . Sure get more knowledge for better pay , but you as well as I know higher in the money chain you go the less human and more cracking of the whip will get ! Try for one day not to work for the big corporation . Without us they will know our struggle . How many fat asses you know that have been behind a desk for years , can hunt and grow their own food . And others who have been in power so long their too damn old to even left a plow for an hour . I promise you all are awake but when that heart beats in your chest youve spent so long ignoring it , you will cry enough to supply drinking water for years ! Wake up wake up wake up . You are Jesus now treat each other as such !
Posted on: Thu, 05 Dec 2013 06:41:18 +0000

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