This is disheartening but so effective to spy. All your business, - TopicsExpress


This is disheartening but so effective to spy. All your business, including private information between you and others is not private to the spy operations. Everything about you, where you are, what you do, and all your business. I am in a time of decision. I must read the new fb policy going in to effect by Jan.30. I have nothing to hide , but DO NOT like being under the microscope of spy programs, and an invasion of my privacy. Of course by being on a world~wide social media opens up your life by way of pictures, associations and where~abouts. However that private aspect of where you live and private information on your private chat should be PRIVATE and protected. It is NOT! Fb certainly pulls on the heart~string for CONNECTION, new ministry relationships, reunion with friends and family. The connecting to folks that become important in your life. The well~being of loved ones, meetings and many different kinds of encouraging spiritual pic posts, spiritual exhortations and teachings. So much to share with each other, news and all kinds of shared information. Unified prayer, especially for loved ones, and ministry partners like when they are far away, even in other Nations and are supported and strengthened by instant contact. It is so appealing to have fb. It seems to be a MIRACLE for contact, and the joy has out~weighed the differences, which are really evident. Being able to see pics of my relatives, esp. my grandchildren. Seeing pics of relatives I never knew existed has been a huge blessing. Anyway I am in a crossroads about continuing, Or limiting. I feel fb is a real vehicle for invasion of privacy and will be a great door for easy access to close people into categories for government purposed I dont feel good about. OK JUST SAYING.
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 02:37:02 +0000

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