This is going to be the BEST POST I have written this year.... - TopicsExpress


This is going to be the BEST POST I have written this year.... (get it, first post of the year...I crack myself up). Well. Its a NEW YEAR. 2015. I love a new year. I mean a new year is like a new notebook on steroids, its like a MEGA MONDAY. Its like the trump card of DO OVERS. It seems to be a TOTALLY appropriate time to announce to the world that we ARE going to do all those things that we thought we SHOULD do throughout the year. Its funny...right? We humans, we are special. I mean I am SURE a dog isnt thinking, OH, theres that big shiny ball on that TV in New York, it must be a New know what, I am going to eat less bones this year. Yep. I am. I am going to be nicer to that cat next door. I am. I am going to walk my master more. Anyway, Im getting a tad side tracked...the point is WE LOVE NEW YEARS BECAUSE WE LOVE NEW BEGINNINGS. I had an interesting ending to my 2014. Its a WHOLE POST in itself. I actually think I could turn a WHOLE 20-30 minute session at THRIVE into a teaching on it. Hmmm, I think I shall make that happen because I know EVERYONE deals with this and I KNOW it is the MAIN THING that holds us back... ANYWAY. I had a momentary revert back to being 13 years old. I did. I got my feelings hurt over something that is just typically SO VERY UNLIKE me to get my feelings hurt over. I mean Jer tells me ALL the time that he married me because I didnt act all dramafied girlie, and here I thought I won him over because I looked JUST LIKE those girls from Bay Watch that ran down that beach back in the day....HAHA. I kid, I kid. That was a joke. ANYWAY....I got my feelings hurt, I really had ZERO REASON to get my feelings hurt. I had some insecurities stirred up inside of me that I had NO CLUE were there, but MAN OH MAN, I am glad it happened. Im not going into the details of what happened. Ill save that for THRIVE, but I did something I dont typically do when/if I get my feelings hurt....I addressed it that VERY SECOND. We were just a couple of hours until the New Year, and I was NOT taking it with me into 2015. I mean it was like someone had handed me a bag of THE PLAGUE and I am like HECK NO, I AM NOT TOUCHING IT, get it off me, get it off me. Well, after voicing my feelings I felt like a COMPLETE LOSER. I mean like OH MY WORD MONIQUE YOU ARE SUCH A BABY. YOU ARE THAT GIRLIE GIRL THAT JER DIDNT MARRY. All I know is I felt like I was ending a COMPLETELY AMAZING year in a crappy way, and beginning what I KNOW is going to be the most amazing year yet in a horrible no good for nothing way. So I do what any normal person SHOULD DO, I call Natalie and ugly face cry, and she hears me sob and gasp for air and wipe the snot from the phone, and she begins to tell me like it is....I am telling you, that girl is an ANGEL sent down to earth, I mean that with every fiber in my being. Love is not a strong enough word to describe my feelings towards her. LONG STORY SHORT, the situation ended VERY AMAZINGLY WELL. Communication happened, virtual hugs over the phone were given, and the biggest most important thing that was noted, was that THE LORD is the center of what we do. I think we all realized this only means ONE THING, 2015 is going to be EPIC. The life mission I am on is about so much more than oils, its about encouraging YOU to be who YOU were made to be. The verse of the day for YESTERDAY was THIS: Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need. Hebrews 4:16 I walked that verse out last night, so I could walk out TODAYS VERSE: Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. I am not sure if this post has made any sense, and its so long we may be heading into 2016 by the time you finish reading it, but WE LOVE NEW YEARS because we LOVE NEW BEGINNINGS, but we dont need to forget that the Lords Mercies are NEW EVERY MORNING. We can have do OVERS every day, every hour, every minute. I know this isnt your typical OH 2014 ROCKED and heres what I want for 2015 post...Ill do one of those one of these days, but this is just real raw life. Now to go work into turning this into a class for THRIVE. haha. LOVE YOU GUYS!
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 16:29:46 +0000

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