This is great info and tips from health coach, Kim Wilson - TopicsExpress


This is great info and tips from health coach, Kim Wilson Pollock Without a doubt, the health of your colon is critical to leading a high quality life full of energy and vibrancy. 75% of our immune system lives in our gut, so if you aren’t taking care of it, you will feel tired and get sick often. Constipation can make you sluggish, tired, bloated, cranky and irritable, and even can cause headaches. If you want to feel great, make sure your bowels are moving EVERY DAY, at least once a day, and preferably more (if you go to the bathroom every other day, you are constipated). Here are some tips to make elimination a breeze: 1. Drink plenty of water. This will clean out your bowels and flush your kidneys. Shoot for half of your body weight in ounces per day. I prefer spring water or reverse-osmosis water. Don’t drink tap water or you will just be filling up on toxins (and we are trying to eliminate those)! 2. Eat more flax. Add 1-2 TBS of ground flaxseeds per day to your smoothies, salads, and soups. Flaxseeds absorb a lot of water and are super rich in fiber. Try my Detox Smoothie! 3. Increase your magnesium. Magnesium will help you poop. Magnesium is referred to as the anti-stress mineral. It’s nature’s natural muscle relaxant as it helps relax skeletal muscles as well as the smooth muscles of blood vessels and the gastrointestinal tract by keeping peristalsis – the natural muscle relaxation and contraction of the colon – working properly. 4. Get moving. Exercise is an amazing way to simulate your bowels. Daily movement (30 minutes a day) will stimulate the colon to do it’s job. 5. Sweat it out. Intense exercise allows your body to release toxins through your skin. You can also take a steam or use the sauna to sweat out toxins. Two of my favorite supplements can help you if are struggling with constipation. ProBio5: Do you suffer from sugar cravings, inexplicable fatigue or bloating, anxiety or a “brain fog?” ProBio5 provides a solution to many of today’s “mystery” symptoms. ProBio5 features five extra strength probiotics, added enzymes, intestinal flora, B6 and Grape Seed extract — all in one effective delivery system — that supports the breaking down of hostile organisms that negatively impact your health. BioCleanse: Bio-Cleanse oxygenates and energizes your body while detoxifying and cleansing wastes, pathogens and plaque in the gastrointestinal tract, colon, arteries, blood, etc.
Posted on: Mon, 17 Nov 2014 04:18:28 +0000

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