This is it!! The big day, tomorrow I wake in Africa, how strange - TopicsExpress


This is it!! The big day, tomorrow I wake in Africa, how strange is that! Thanks for all the wonderful messages of support, this really has been a huge journey for me. I have loved it and cant deny I am slightly wetting myself. What started as me having some kind of midlife crisis,Has ended up with me honestly having a great time and I hope you guys who have made this for me have had a fun time to? For someone who hated walking, and frankly the only reason I could see the point of it was to get from one level to another in Harvey Nicks or Selfridges! I seem reluctantly to of embraced it come rain, shine, wind or snow I have walked the stunning Cotswold walks around me, seen things I would of normally passed by. I have covered up till now 5500 k ok it has taken a year, but hey Tortoise and hare spring to mind. Over a year ago I gave up smoking, something i thought I would never do. To cap it all it appears I am climbing a mountain And not a mountain a jolly big mountain!! With snow and everything! The kit is not always to my taste, clunky boots bulky jackets and very unattractive under wear it has all been a, well lets say a learning curve, and one I seem to be enjoying. Who knew!! The very small amount of, I like to call it stuff( to the pros it is kit!) that has been a shock, as normally when they say to bags that normally means to me a set of, a set has 7 bags of various sizes, apparently not 2 means 2 and there is even a weight limit!! Get out of here!! So it is with regret I have to leave the cooler bag, set of matching deck chairs and even the patio heater!! Lastly can you believe Acado do not deliver!!! Apparently it is out of there local region, Honestly I think they are missing a trick with that very narrow view. Apart from of course John I will miss fresh olives and the odd Gin oh and naturally the Great British bake Off!! Poor timing on there part. On the serious side of things there is a very important point to this and that is to raise awareness and money ( an ugly word, but so important) for MS an illness close to my heart, most days are a challenge in one way or another for all of us, but if I can give back just a little it will be worth it!! Although wearing ugly shoes was never part of the deal. I will try my very best to post. In my very lovely slightly sparkly world I thought because we were going some 6000 m Wi-fi would naturally be fantastic, it appears not!! But I will try. So I guess this is it I will let you know when i get to Airport and meet up with the rest of the crew. and Acado do deliver to Heathrow so happy bunny well fresh figs and pomegranates all round!! Whoop Whoop!! Thanks to you all for being part of this it has been a blast, and sorry I do ramble, would like to say its the Ms but John says no, just full of it!!! justgiving/hiketeers4ms
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 07:55:38 +0000

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