This is just a generalized status for everyone because Im tired, - TopicsExpress


This is just a generalized status for everyone because Im tired, oh so tired. *drums fingers* Im not as ignorant as people try to make me out to be, though by others ignorance and idle gossip it seems to be the blanket statement about me. So lets clear that up, shall we? You do not know what is, or has, been going on in my life. Quite frankly, if youre not one of the ten I speak in depth with the most you know about me is what is derived from my statuses. I dont speak of my life and my struggles for all to hear because its none of your damn business. If I wish to include people within my inner circle, they ARE NOT ones that will then turn around and talk shit about me behind my back. Yes, I hear the majority of what is said about me, and what is presumed about my life. With that being said it would be errant on my part not to advise you that while you fill your world with vicious gossip, your so-called friends are doing the same unto you. Like attracts like, so dont be surprised when you come to find that you, in fact, have no one and nothing in your corner except for the vile filth that you proceed to pass unto the world. I would have presumed that within the author and blogger community, all of us well beyond our majority, would have seen fit to be above this dramatic retelling of falsehoods and attempts to start at pathetic rivalries, but alas I have been proven wrong. Truthfully it doesnt shock me, but it would have been nice if people could have kept the drama within our books, instead of behind closed doors, or rather internet tabs as this case seems to be. You can take from this what you will, and this is the last I will say on this subject.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 21:04:33 +0000

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