This is just a personal rant! So please scroll on by if you dont - TopicsExpress


This is just a personal rant! So please scroll on by if you dont feel like reading a novel..... LOL Dont you just love when people stick their nose, in business it doesnt belong in! Yep! You dont know my SON, and you dont know ME! So keep that trap shut, or I can gladly shut it for you! I am sick and tired of people thinking they KNOW what is best for him! I have been in a bad mood for 2 days, not just about this, but liars, and people that think they CAN talk about anyone and everyone in general, and then go on like they never said a thing! I have gotten so many phone calls , that my head is gonna blow up! She said, he said crap! Wonder what is being said about me??? Hmmmm. Makes me take a step back, and wonder just how long ME and MY family have been rolling off someones lips! - let me set the record straight for you, did I say my son has SEVERE autism? NO! I said he has PDD-NOS which is an autism disorder. Along with other disorders that make him a little different - do I say he is aggressive? NO, he is the sweetest child ever, he has his moments where he is over stimulated, and needs to let it out , but everyone has those moments, his are just different than yours. We vent , he runs, jumps, screams, rolls, and eats crunchy things. And gets a little grouchy if things arent right - did I say he is mentally challenged? NO, he is very smart, with an autism diagnosis, he has a developmental delay , it doesnt mean he isnt smart, in fact. He is EXTREMELY smart, he just learns different than we do, or kids his age do. He likes to be upside down to answer questions, or he like to spin really fast , before he can calm down to concentrate. - did I say he LOOKS autistic? NO, but everyone likes to say, he doesnt look like there is anything wrong well.... Can you see his brain? Cause that is where his problems are! Not his LOOKS - and did I say no one can handle him, he will hurt someone? NO! I did not ! I said I was scared! I said I worried about him being away from me, he has anxiety, and I worry for him to be scared! I worry he will have a sensory need, that no one can see is needed . And he will act out because of it. My son does not have any visual problems, his needs have been a learn as you go kinda thing for our family. We have had a ton of help recognizing these as well, all I am saying is that there are things I AM STILL learning, that he benefits from, so I , as his mother, worry for his sake! - I can count my true friends on one hand, and I actually dont even need the whole hand to count them! But as this journey of my life goes on; I can see this list getting even smaller! And I dont care! I have family, and honesty I dont need anyone else! I dont party, I dont have girls days, I dont have lunch dates, I have my kids! That is all I need, and if you get mad, or upset over that, let your feathers just ruffle up, because I dont care! God gave me these children because he seen fit to! And I will be their mother before all else! So with that being said, because people decide to talk about things they knew nothing about, I have spent my Monday morning in meetings. And on the phone trying to straighten up something that got twisted!
Posted on: Mon, 27 Oct 2014 16:00:20 +0000

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