This is my Thought for the day! (Rhonda Shenette Hales thought - TopicsExpress


This is my Thought for the day! (Rhonda Shenette Hales thought of the day) The Word of God tell us Gods children to Love our Neighbors as ourselves right? And it is also written in Gods Word do good to all men Especially to them who are of the House-whole of faith. Then it is also written in the Word of God; how can we say we love God whom we have never seen and hate our brother who we see? Can somebody anybody please help a sister understand why do we as Christians as children of God think its okay to miss Represent God in our daily actions, by miss treating one another, by slandering ones Character, by showing Resentment towards them with a Hostile Attitude all week long but then we want to come b4 God on Sunday Pretending that we have been doing His will all week long now we want to give God some Praise and Worship? Well lets just it right here, drop you gift at the altar and keep right on pushing and get it right with your bother or sister you have mistreated, was rude too whos name you a Slander all week long talked behind their backs about them with your crew making them seem like their not fit to be in the kingdom, when really your as out of the will of the kingdom as well. REPENT REPENT REPENT!!! and ask God to forgive you for your wrong you have done to hurt your Neighbor, if your Neighbor have done you wrong offended you in any kind of way, this is your Opportunity to let him or her know what they have done to you, so both parties may get it right with each other and praise God together whole heartily. We are our brothers keeper not our brothers Judge. Lets love each other for real not with lip service but with Action. Love is a action word. Perfect Love cast out all fear, you dont have to fear because the love of God is made perfect through Jesus Christ. Love more and hate less. We must over come evil with God
Posted on: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 21:02:16 +0000

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