This is my daughter Kylie Rae.She was diagnosed with cancer five - TopicsExpress


This is my daughter Kylie Rae.She was diagnosed with cancer five years ago when she was 12.Shes been cancer free now for 4 years and were approaching her final scans.I have always wanted to tell people about this but the words always stick in my throat.She had a small lump on her neck that wouldnt go away so it was surgically removed.It just seemed like a swollen lymph node.Its normal standard procedure to have a biopsy on the mass.We were nervous, but confident that she was fine and things like that didnt happen to us.Finally after a few days the doctors office called, they stated that the doctor would like to speak to us in person.My wife being a mother and nurse knew that it was bad. She ran out of the backdoor crying and didnt stop untill she got to her parents house.We hoped for the best that evening as we sat in the doctors office.and then he said it,your daughter has ears started ringing and the room shrank.His next words hit just as hard.we have a chance with this.I was a 21 year old kid when she was born, the first time I heard her cry she stole my heart and has yet to give it back.It was a complicated delivery and Clare was in bad shape sleeping,which gave me time to talk to kylie alone.I introduced myself as daddy and apologize for her misfortune of being born to such an unprepared father.I told her that I couldnt buy her the world and probably never would,but Id give her all that I had.I promised that I would never forsake her or lie to her and I would protect her with my life.Most of all I promised to always be there when she needed me most.I spent the next 12 years trying to give her everything that a normalfamily would have.A house in the suburbs, minivans, vacations etc.I remember thinking on the way home from the doctors office that I would gladly give it all back if somebody would just say that there was a mistake and she was fine.My mother in law started taking Kylie to church when she was small and her faith in God is inspiring.The doctor told us that we must inform her and we must be honest.He also recommended that we hide our pain so she wouldnt feel guilty.How do you tell a 12 year old she has cancer?! Her first words were am I going to die? without knowing if I was breaking my oath I stated no,but it has happened.Her response was Im not scared ,God will protect me.We tried our best to act normal so she wouldnt be freaked out, but I spend every second I could staring at her, mostly in the dark while she was sleeping.At some point she informed me that no 12 year old girl likes waking up to there father sleeping on their bedroom floor, even if theyre sick.A surgery was scheduled to remove more of the affected area but it was very risky.Her face could be paralyzed and the cancer could also spread to her brain.Never once did she complain , cry ,or ask why me.She simply knew she was safe and Jesus would protect her.Finally the day came for the second surgery. We waited for what seemed like days. I cant even describe to you the joy we felt when she smiled in the recovery room.In my mind I was high fiving Jesus and caring him around on my shoulders! We later found out that the remaining cancer had been removed and had not spread to the brain.Weve gone to countless doctors visits and multiple scans. We hold our breath for days after every one of them and pray for good news.Five years is a milestone and were praying for positive results. I now know that money doesnt make me rich.I have everything I will ever need. Material things are meaningless objects and you cant buy time.Please dont take a single day for granted. Hug and kiss your kids everyday even if they hate it,and please pray for kylie Rae.
Posted on: Thu, 21 Aug 2014 23:12:53 +0000

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