This is my fourth post. This is a journey from a “believer in - TopicsExpress


This is my fourth post. This is a journey from a “believer in Christ” Perspective. Thank you for joining me through my journey. The research: Wow! After finding out what all was going on in my body, my wife began the research to attack the brain tumor first. She called Sloan-Kettering in NYC and I believed that God directed her to a person that would help His will to be done. I say this because the lady who spoke with Lisa said, “ If it were my husband with a complex brain tumor, I would check out Duke medicine.” That is all Lisa needed to hear! She was on the phone to see who was the best at brain surgery. After it all was said and done, I had an appointment with the leading oncologist, radiation specialist, and the top brain surgeon in the country. We were on our way to Duke University. Met with the team and were very impressed with how we were treated and how knowledgeable they were about my situation. The plan was as follows: first, do the brain surgery and take out the golf ball sized tumor, then do five sessions of radiation. When I met with the brain surgeon, he was telling me all of the possible side effects that this surgery entails. After reading the three pages of side effects, I signed off on it. Lisa and I prayed for a couple of things that we asked if it could be in His plan. One: please let me keep all memories of my faith; second please let me remember Lisa and what she was in my life. After praying day and night, day after day… the surgery was in my future. Also, my preacher and his wife , ( Pastor Motes and his wife, Jennifer) from my church in Pennsylvania came down to visit me before the surgery. So did Lisa’s Mom and Dad….Barbara and Paul. I have to honest about something. My mind set was, no big deal! I saw it like any other test because, at this point, I had had so many test that it did not feel any different. I believe I was given supernatural peace that I believe God gives to his children. I was not worried “What if I die? What if I am a vegetable? What if I lose motor skills and speaking skill?” All of these things did not trouble me. God gave me a child-like faith that everything was going to be OK. Whatever His will is for me that is OK. The day I went in, my preacher and his wife, Paul and Barbara and Lisa said a prayer. Next thing I remember they wheeled me into the OR. I awoke with a bandage around my head. I opened my eyes and I saw my beloved’s beautiful face. The nurses and doctors would come in every hour on the hour testing my memory, motor skills. They were shocked and amazed that I did not have any side effects. Miracles still happen in 2014. Wow! I could remember my wife’s name! I knew who she was! I could speak! It was a moment that I will never forget. My preacher and his wife, Paul and Barbara walked in the room and I remembered them! God is so good! Later that evening, I was told that the gentlemen in the room beside me had a very similar surgery. He had complications during the procedure and he was paralyzed from the neck down and lost his ability to speak. Out of this entire situation, God wanted me to have a child-like faith to trust him that everything was going to be all right. Do you have that faith in your walk? More to come…. Perspective: God’s grace is wonderful for the believer. Why is it that when we are in need we call on God? But, when everything is good we don’t talk to Him so much. I think that it is all about a relationship with him. The closer we are… the more we talk with Him. Prayer life is so important because it shows God humility and it shows that we want to be in communication so He can use us and teach us. Bible verse that helps me: The Lord is good, a strong hold in the day of trouble; and he knoweth them that trust in him.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 15:52:34 +0000

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