This is my life story.. I was born October 16, 2000.. My mom - TopicsExpress


This is my life story.. I was born October 16, 2000.. My mom said I was the most perfect baby in the world.. My dad was the happiest man alive because his first kid was being born and he couldnt wish for a better life. I was little until I was about 6. My mom thoight Id never grow.. Well I did. When I was 6 years old, I started getting fat & nobody knew why. Everything started in 3rd grade; I got bullied or picked on so bad. My mom saidn d come home at least 3 times a week crying bc of the names I got called.. Well when i was 9 things got different.. I was diagnosed with child obesity & diabetes. I was a diabetic at the age of 9 nobody knew except for my family.. When I was 10, my life changed dramatically.. I lost a really important peron in my life.. Emmy💔 shes known me since I was born. She told me I was beautiful every time I saw her. She had 2 beautiful kids.. Well Christmas came around.. I found out that emmy was in acoma because she overdosed on xanax.. She couldnt breathe on her own.. Soon enough, the day after Christmas, emmy passed away at the age of 30.. I miss her so much. I was 11.. My mom noticed that Id eat a lot & that I was anti-social.. Id take my anger out on her. She put me into counseling they did all these test on me to see if I have any disorders. Believe it or not I have a few.. I was diagnosed with major depression at the age of 11. I was also diagnosed with ADHD and bipolar.. My life changed.. Because of my depression, they put me on medication.. The medication made me not feel empty inside, but thats about it.. Soon after that; they decided that I should be taken off of antidepressants, so I was. I was okay for about a month or two.. Then my depression got to me even worse.. I put myself down, I got put down every day, bullies killed me.. By the time I was 12 I didnt know what to do with life. I was smoking weed to help my depression well; one day, I told my mom I didnt feel wanted & that I should just kill myself.. She took me to the hospital.. I was put in the mental wing of the hospital.. They did all these test on me.. I didnt belong there.. I cried to my mom take me home, mommy please so she did. After that moment, I relied on weed to keep me in line. Still at the age of 12, bullying never went away for me. I got called fat & ugly everyday of my life, so I believed it. I went on a diet and I lost 20 pounds.. I wore make up & used my hair to hide my face.. I still got called those names.. So one day, I started to starve myself. That made me nothing but sick.. My mom found out & back to counseling I went.. I was still diagnosed with major depression, but no medication. Soon after, I dropped out of the counseling program & spent everyday of my life smoking weed, not caring what people thought of me. 13 years old, heres the part that made me care.. I lost my bestfriend 💔forever, she said I will never get her back.. That really killed me; my depression was at its worst.. And I had nobody.. I spent everyday of my 8th grade year upset and depressed.. Wanting to commit bc she was truley my real and only best friend.. Theres more to my story.. But Id rather not put it on Facebook. But look at me today.. Ive been strong as hell❤ fighting for me to be happy & make it through life strong.. Im fighting depression everyday of my life, and I take it one day at a time✨ Thank you for caring.. ❤
Posted on: Sat, 16 Aug 2014 02:53:18 +0000

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