This is my own words guys. PLEASE READ AND SHARE IF YOU DONT KNOW - TopicsExpress


This is my own words guys. PLEASE READ AND SHARE IF YOU DONT KNOW WHAT TO VOTE. We need an independent Scotland. The YES campaign gives us a vision of a beautiful and great country. You want real statistics why we should be independent? The statistics are those of a failing United Kingdom: We live in an undemocratic union. Our countries needs are not being addressed. West Minister have only made 40% cuts, there are still another 60% to come. Where are they going to strike next? We have bedroom tax even though the majority of Scotland was against it, we were also the first ones to have it. The government had admitted that there will be 60,000 public sector jobs cut in Scotland next year (100,000 cuts in total from the Uk) 4 out of 5 jobs created from 2009 have been national minimum wage jobs, as we know, the national minimum wage is a poverty wage. So 80% jobs been made from 2009 are NMW. 1 out of 3 children in Glasgow will go to bed hungry. In 2004, the first two food banks opened. Now there are over 200,000, these arent used just by the poor, but also by the working class (especially those on minimum wage jobs). Rickets is now a rising health epidemic again, the last time this was a rising problem was in the 1930s, we have illnesses from the 1930s creeping back into our society. (Rickets is common in children and happens when they dont have enough nutrients or vitamins; because of lack of food; which causes them to have bowly legs as their leg bones etc dont form right. I am also going to point out that MPs got a 10% wage rise last year... but there has been a prediction that 100,000 children in Scotland by 2020 will be in poverty. We need a government who puts people before profit. How can we have a government who was born into riches, they dont understand or care about those who are suffering in society. You can judge a countrys greatness with how they treat their most vulnerable. How dare they have a wage rise when our NHS is being cut, or people down England are paying up to £40,000 for a degree. Its disgusting. If you think we are better together, I dont know if you have understood what I have written above. The no campaign gives us no hope or no vision. To be honest the no campaign is full of so much shite: CUTS TO NHS IN AN INDEPENDENT SCOTLAND : Actually, as we can see West Minister have started privatising our NHS down in England. Yes, NHS is a devolved power (Which means Scotland has control over what is spent on Health), but West Minister has already cut 7% of our budget, which means, when our budget is cut, we have to make cuts to our services because we dont have enough money to run them like we use to. So the more West Minister cuts our budget, means that we are literally forced to cut our services. So in conclusion to this point, when we dont have the control of our budget, West Minister still holds a large influence over our devolved powers and our NHS. A tory government wants rid of our NHS, they do not believe in Welfare or Socialism. We have all used the NHS once in our life, its an amazing thing to have in our country, dont let West Minister destroy that! CUTS TO EDUCATION: Following on from the 7% cuts to our budget. The Scottish Government will have to cut services because of West Ministers cuts to our budget. Which means things like tuition fees might stop because Scotland will not have enough money again because of West Ministers cuts. We have a great Scottish government who so far has protected these things, but they have been forced to make cuts to places in colleges etc because of West Ministers cuts. The thing is, in an independent Scotland we would get control of our money and be able to spent how we want and where we want: e.g. Putting more money into the NHS meaning more jobs as nurses and doctors etc. Putting more money back into education which means that schools (like we have all experienced) will have enough computer ink and have enough jotters and paper for the students! It will also mean that we can yet again expand the places in colleges and universities. Why if we pay £1 to West Minister, we only get 70p back, who knows, next year it might be 60p? Its unfair that we are suffering cuts because we dont have control over our money that us Scottish working people pay in our taxes! WELFARE GOING TO FAIL IN AN INDEPENDENT SCOTLAND: We are in a Tory and Lib Dem government. Next year will be a Tory and UKIP government. How can we trust a government who isnt from a working class background (which majority of Scots are). They dont understand the poverty of Easterhouse or Shettleston. They dont understand what its like to be working for shit wages in a National Minimum Wage job. They dont want a Welfare system. Do you know what that means to them? It means that their money isnt in their pocket and trust me... they dont want that. Welfare is at such risk right now in this current government, save our NHS, save our education, save our disabled people from being attacked. You can do this by voting Yes. OIL WILL RUN OUT: The financial times stated we would be the 14th Wealthiest country in the world. The only people who see oil as a burden is Labour and the Torys, I dont know why they do see it as a burden because its probably the only reason why they want us to stay. Why do the Conservatives want us to stay in the union when 99% of Scottish people vote against them in elections? Be real here, they want us to stay because we are wealthy. So back to my point... OIL IS A BONUS, we dont need it! Ill give you the run down of how we can afford to be an independent Scotland and how we can be a great wee country with a strong welfare system and a government we chose: We make £17 Billion in construction, £32 Billion in Rural and Island economy, £10 billion in tourism. £5 Billion in defence, £10 billion in business service industries, £9.3 in Chemical industries, £1.9 billion in life sciences, £2.8 billion in creative industries, £4.3 billion in whisky exports, £2.3 billion in historic stuff, £7 billion in finical services industry.... thats a few to mention... WE DONT NEED OIL WITH ALL OF THAT. We can afford to be an Independent Scotland!! THE POUND: We can use the pound. Its also in Englands best interest to make a currency union: 1. They would lose a large sum of their existing currency if we leave. 2. We are a wealthy country so it would make their currency stronger 3. If they dont make a currency union we will not pay the debt they are in (if we do get a currency union, we will actually pay less debt back because there are less interest rates and less of a bulk to pay back as a nation. We would have a larger chunk of the Debt if we remained in the union) 4. New Zealand used the pound for 5 years after they went independent and then changed to their own currency. The last and most important point, we will have a government we vote for. We will have a government who knows where the poverty lies, a government who knows what our country needs, a government we can hold accountable. The United Kingdom is a union of different countries. Yes, the United Kingdom isnt one country, we are a collection of countries. With that point, countries have different needs, we have different problems, we have different issues, so why should we have a government in West Minister who is from England and doesnt know what the Scottish people need. This may also spark the democratic renewal the rest of the UK need to wash out the West Minister machine and have a true democracy again: People before Profit. Dont listen to the scare mongering. This is our chance people, please take it with both hands. We can be amazing. #voteyes
Posted on: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 09:44:40 +0000

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