This is my reply to the so-called 8th Pan-African Congress in - TopicsExpress


This is my reply to the so-called 8th Pan-African Congress in South Africa: Bismillah-Ar-Rahman Nir-Raheem, [ In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful] As-Salaam-Alaikum, [Peace upon You] I greet you in the way of my ancestors from the ancient and most powerful dynasty that Africa has ever seen, the Songhai Dynasty. I come to you in peace, although that is not what you have shown us as, Africans from the north, and to the majority of Africans who are suffering from foreign intervention and occupation. The way that you have conducted the PAC South African Conference was not only a disappointment for Africa but a foolish sham, and a utter disgrace to those of us who truly love mother Africa. You accomplished nothing more than a beginning of your own end as representatives of our mother, who has given us so much, and only asked that we find someway to get along, so that we may save her from the exploitation and the destruction of the Americans, Europeans, and Chinese. At this very moment mother Africa is being bought, invaded and destroyed because narrow-minded, opportunistic and short sighted Africans like yourselves were at the helm or either de-stabilized Africa like the so-called PAC conference of incompetent second level antagonist . It is impossible to divide Africa from the North and South, that is like dividing wet from water. The Muslims of these northern countries and the Muslims of the Sub-Saharan countries outnumber you, have greater resources than you, and will ignore you and eventually secede to the crown of Africa. Presently, we are the majority and growing, and in several countries we are at war, with the backward notions of people just like those who sat in your conference. What did you possibly hope to accomplish with your Islam-phobic so called PAC conference? It was doomed from the beginning as you yourself labelled the conference an Anti-continental Congress. I have met Min. Menelik who was introduced to me by Bilal Sunni Ali, a Muslim/Panther/UNIA freedom fighter, who has been fighting American racism and imperialism for nearly 50 years and who appears to be a moderate yet cooperative force for your short-sided foolishness. I have also met Dr. Horne, an African American studies teacher, who was part of a likewise incompetent U.S organization called NCOBRA, who just like with the PAC group managed to shoot itself in the proverbial foot by begging the U.S for reparations instead of moving to the international arena. I have also wrote and furiously disagreed with Bankie Bankie and the Nigerian Poet Chinewezu who have managed to create havoc in their own countries with their Islamaphobic view. The only thing that you did in South Africa is to disgrace the historical efforts of Dr. Dubois, Marcus Garvey, Kwame Nkruhmah, Kwame Toure, Ahmed Ben Bella, Gamel Nasser, Muahmar Gaddafi, Nelson Mandela, Mansa Musa, El-hajj Malik Shabazz [Malcolm X] and Lummuba . You did not accomplish one POSITIVE thing, because you think Pan-Africanism is an ANTI movement when it is a PRO movement. Pan-Africanism is or should be a process of involving Africans from every continent, denomination, and tribe to BUILD Africa, and to improve the education of its children, re-settle those from the Diaspora who have been sent away from her from the likes of Africans just like your small, small cadre of incompetents. The most positive thing that came out of your so-called PAC conference is that it will be ineffectual because true Pan-Africanism is a building process rather than a divisive one. The 8th so-called PAC conference shows your incompetence to become builders. Any two coconut headed Africans can argue with each other and this is what you have been doing for centuries while our precious motherland has been divided by the true enemies to the north. This is the only thing that you did accomplish and in this you should truly be ashamed of yourselves. This is my reply to the so-called 8th Pan-African Congress in South Africa: Bismillah-Ar-Rahman Nir-Raheem, [ In the name of God, Most Gracious, Most Merciful] As-Salaam-Alaikum, [Peace upon You] I greet you in the way of my ancestors from the ancient and most powerful dynasty that Africa has ever seen, the Songhai Dynasty. I come to you in peace, although that is not what you have shown us as, Africans from the north, and to the majority of Africans who are suffering from foreign intervention and occupation. The way that you have conducted the PAC South African Conference was not only a disappointment for Africa but a foolish sham, and a utter disgrace to those of us who truly love mother Africa. You accomplished nothing more than a beginning of your own end as representatives of our mother, who has given us so much, and only asked that we find someway to get along, so that we may save her from the exploitation and the destruction of the Americans, Europeans, and Chinese. At this very moment mother Africa is being bought, invaded and destroyed because narrow-minded, opportunistic and short sighted Africans like yourselves were at the helm or either de-stabilized Africa like the so-called PAC conference of incompetent second level antagonist . It is impossible to divide Africa from the North and South, that is like dividing wet from water. The Muslims of these northern countries and the Muslims of the Sub-Saharan countries outnumber you, have greater resources than you, and will ignore you and eventually secede to the crown of Africa. Presently, we are the majority and growing, and in several countries we are at war, with the backward notions of people just like those who sat in your conference. What did you possibly hope to accomplish with your Islam-phobic so called PAC conference? It was doomed from the beginning as you yourself labelled the conference an Anti-continental Congress. I have met Min. Menelik who was introduced to me by Bilal Sunni Ali, a Muslim/Panther/UNIA freedom fighter, who has been fighting American racism and imperialism for nearly 50 years and who appears to be a moderate yet cooperative force for your short-sided foolishness. I have also met Dr. Horne, an African American studies teacher, who was part of a likewise incompetent U.S organization called NCOBRA, who just like with the PAC group managed to shoot itself in the proverbial foot by begging the U.S for reparations instead of moving to the international arena. I have also wrote and furiously disagreed with Bankie Bankie and the Nigerian Poet Chinewezu who have managed to create havoc in their own countries with their Islamaphobic view. The only thing that you did in South Africa is to disgrace the historical efforts of Dr. Dubois, Marcus Garvey, Kwame Nkruhmah, Kwame Toure, Ahmed Ben Bella, Gamel Nasser, Muahmar Gaddafi, Nelson Mandela, Mansa Musa, El-hajj Malik Shabazz [Malcolm X] and Lummuba . You did not accomplish one POSITIVE thing, because you think Pan-Africanism is an ANTI movement when it is a PRO movement. Pan-Africanism is or should be a process of involving Africans from every continent, denomination, and tribe to BUILD Africa, and to improve the education of its children, re-settle those from the Diaspora who have been sent away from her from the likes of Africans just like your small, small cadre of incompetents. The most positive thing that came out of your so-called PAC conference is that it will be ineffectual because true Pan-Africanism is a building process rather than a divisive one. The 8th so-called PAC conference shows your incompetence to become builders. Any two coconut headed Africans can argue with each other and this is what you have been doing for centuries while our precious motherland has been divided by the true enemies to the north. This is the only thing that you did accomplish and in this you should truly be ashamed of yourselves.
Posted on: Sun, 02 Feb 2014 14:37:50 +0000

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